Sunday, March 30, 2008
Syria had everything to lose by assassinating Rafic Hariri....
Only in the White House Murder Inc's Dark rooms of the Killers on the Potomac and Herzliah, can they dream-up the following scheme: An Iranian's shady claim, says that the Saudis used a Syrian woman... to procure vehicles... turned over to the Israelis... who used a Jordanian...and Palestinian team... to murder a Lebanese militant in Damascus..., with the covert help of an Iranian dissident faction in Iran's upper echelons... to avenge an attack against Americans..., French and Israelis in the 1980s and 90s...., and ALL that scheming "was" designed to protect the Chief Operating Officer of the White House Murder Inc., Assef Shawkat, who murdered, Mr. Elie Hobeika in 01-24-02, Rafic Hariri on Feb-14th 2005, and a few others..., on direct orders from the White House and Tel Aviv, in order to serve PNAC designs....
Syria had everything to lose by assassinating Rafic Hariri....???
Abdel Halim Khaddam is "wrong" and misleading again...
خدام يتوقع أن يصيب آصف شوكت ما أصاب كنعان.....
07 آذار 2008 .....
قال النائب السابق للرئيس السوري عبد الحليم خدام أن الرئيس بشار الأسد أصدر قراراً بمنع صهره ورئيس شعبة الاستخبارات العسكرية آصف شوكت من السفر وان الاخير اختفى عن الانظار وأضاف في مقابلة هاتفية "نتوقع أن يصيبه ما أصاب غازي كنعان" في إشارة إلى وزير الداخلية السوري السابق والرئيس السابق لشعبة المخابرات السورية في لبنان (من 1982 حتى ما بعد 2002) والذي انت2حر في مكتبه بدمشق في تشرين الأول/أكتوبر
قبل ثلاثة أعواm
موقوفون سعوديّون....
1 نيسان 2008.....April fools day in KSA........
أفادت جهات مطّلعة أن الزيارة السرية التي قام بها وزير الخارجية السعودي سعود الفيصل إلى دمشق، يوم الأربعاء في 26 آذار، خُصِّصت فقط للبحث مع الجانب السوري في التُّهم الموجّهة إلى مجموعة من السعوديّين، أوقفتهم السلطات السورية على خلفية ضلوعهم في قضية أمنية تمسّ مباشرة رأس السلطة السياسية في دمشق....
وهاب: الصدّيق اختفى وربما صُفّي!
1 نيسان 2008.....April fools day in Syria........
اعلن رئيس «تيار التوحيد اللبناني» الوزير السابق وئام وهاب، ان الشاهد السوري المفترض في قضية اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري محمد زهير الصديق المعروف بـ«الشاهد الملك»، قد اختفى من فرنسا، وأبدى خشيته ان يكون قد خُطف وتمّت تصفيته....
وقال في حديث الى تلفزيون «ال بي سي»، امس: ليذهبوا ويفتشوا عن الصديق لمعرفة مصيره.....
The truth of the matter is that a deal was brokered in Saudi Arabia with Moughnieh's head for tens of millions of USD paid to Assef shawkat in return fro the "disappearance" of Zouheir Al-Siddik...and the French were instrumental in reaching a satisfactory outcome for their Buddy Assef Shawqat...This is but One Chapter in a larger deal reaching deep and wide into the Resistance and way a book written by Vickers and Dagan, Hayden and Barak etc. etc. many more chapters will be assoCIAtion with the US military SOCOM program Able Danger- the White House Murder Inc....military intelligence program Able Danger and the pre-9/11 ......US PNAC LIARS, KILLERS and Murderers....The real "power" behind the power in
USA comprises the most barbaric and savage persons ever to be born on planet earth...and the truth of the matter is that SYRIA is blackmailing the US PNAC CIA2 killers....with FULL documented Disclosure of the details of the murders carried out by Syria on behalf of the White House Murder Inc., starting with the January 24th 2002 assassination of Mr. Elie Hobeika, Mitri Ajram, Fares Sweidan and Walid El-Zein, and many more....The Syrians have done that in the past successfully and are masters in blackmail... and they do absolutely NOTHING for FREE...Euros Talk now...
القرار الأميركي –.Hariri +The White House Murder Inc. _السعودي في لبنان....
... 2. نيسان ...2001
السياسة الأميركية في لبنان دخلت "المأزق الكبير" إذ لم يعد للقرار الأميركي في لبنان أي فاعلية ان لم يكن مدعوماً من جهات عربية مثل السعودية ومصر.
ويرى محلّلون سياسيون دوليون ان القرار السياسي الأميركي في لبنان فقد بوصلته بعدما تحوّل قراراً سعودياً – مصرياً بامتياز.
أولاً، ما هو القرار الأميركي في لبنان؟
هو مجموعة من المواقف الجاهزة كي لا نقول "مجموعة من الأوامر المباشرة" تبدأ بفك الارتباط بين لبنان وسوريا على كل المستويات وتنتهي بتدمير البنية التحتية لحزب الله. وأما التداعيات والعواقب فلا تأخذها واشنطن بعين الاعتبار. وهنا يتساوى المواطن اللبناني، على صعيد الواجب، مع الجندي الأميركي في العراق. كلاهما يجب أن يستشهد من أجل المصالح الأميركية.
ثانياً، ما هو القرار السعودي – المصري؟
الضرب المبرّح على الخاصرة السورية حتى اخراج سوريا من "الفلك الايراني" ونزع سلاح "حزب الله" بأي ثمن؟
القراران: الأميركي والسعودي – المصري قرار واحد تمّت "لبننته" تحت شعار:
"التمديد لولاية الرئيس لحود غير دستوري". وبعد انتهاء ولاية الرئيس لحود، استعار حكومة السنيورة طربوشاً له.
القرار الأميركي في لبنان يستمّد قوته من القرار السعودي – المصري. وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلّم أصاب الهدف مئة في المئة عندما قال:
"حل الأزمة اللبنانية يتطلّب توافقاً سورياً – سعودياً".
واذا ما حصل مثل ذلك التوافق، ينهار القرار الأميركي في لبنان أوتوماتيكياً لأن الاصطاف السياسي في 14 شباط هو وراء "الممّول الأكبر" أي مع آل سعود، ولأن ذلك الاصطاف الفسيفسائي لا يجرؤ على كل هذا "التأمرك" بدون العقال السعودي. و يمكن القول ان حسني مبارك هو الى حد ما، أحد أركان 14 شباط. وقد عبّر عن ذلك بصراحة مطلقة وزير خارجيته أحمد أبو الغيظ في عدة اطلالات اعلامية وسياسية.
رئيس مشايخ 14 شباط لا يذهب الى واشنطن بقرار سياسي مستقل، يذهب اولاً الى الرياض، فإلى وشنطن ثانياً، فإلى القاهرة ثالثاً، فإلى بيروت رابعاً.
دائماً بيروت هي المحطة الاخيرة باعتبارها مصباً للنفايات الاقليمية والدولية. ومن تلك النفايات "مجازر" البارد 2007 . كان االمراقبون الدوليون ينتظرون من حكومة السنيورة ان تفضح دور سوريا في تلك المجازر ثم انتظروا أن تقوم السعودية بهذه المهمة بعدما تم تسليمها العشرات من المقاتلين من تنظيم "فتح الاسلام" لا حكومة السنيورة قدمّت وئائقها ولا السعودية كشفت النقاب عن تحقيقاتها مع ارهابيي شاكر العبسي بل ان كليهما اشتغل ليلاً ونهاراً على طمر الحقائق وكل ملفات القضية. من هنا يقول المراقبون الدوليون ان انتصار الجيش اللبناني في مخيم البارد انقذ سوريا ولبنان في آن ... اسقط التهمة عن سوريا بأنها صاحبة الوصاية على تنظيم "فتح الاسلام" وجنّب لبنان حرباً أهلية هي الأخطر في تاريخه. ومن هنا يستنتج المراقبون الدوليون ما يلي :
- القرار الاميركي والسعودي في لبنان هما قرار واحد.
- المستهدفات الاميركية والسعودية هي مشتركة.
- لبنان في الأجندة الأميركية كما في الأجندة السعودية ساحة صراع على من يكون شرطي الأمن في الخليج :المملكة العربية السعودية ام ايران؟
ومقابل الدعم الأميركي للسعودية تقوم الأخيرة بتهيئة شعوب المنطقة لتتقبل "مشاريع مؤتمر انابوليس 2007 ".
اين تتموقع الازمة اللبنانية في بحر تلك الصراعات الاقليمية والدولية المتداخلة ؟
لبنان لم يخرج من دائرة الاستخدام الاقليمي والدولي
القرار السيادي اللبناني ما يزال اكذوبة يتداولها السياسيون في شعاراتهم ومحلياتهم. مذياع المختارة يبث على موجة واحدة مع مذياع معراب ومذياع قريطم. وأما موضوع البث فواحد: كيل الشتائم اليومية المكرورة ضد سوريا وايران وحزب الله ... ولا يتدخل في شؤون لبنان الداخلية سوى سوريا وايران.
أما الحقيقة المؤلمة فهي ان كل دول المنطقة تتدخل في الشوؤن الداخلية اللبنانية كما لو ان لبنان بركة سباحة وللكل حق الغطس في مياهها ولو كان القرار السياسي الأميركي منصفاً وعادلاً لتبدلت صورة الوطن الصغير. ولو كان القرار السياسي السعودي على مسافة واحدة من جميع الافرقاء اللبنانيين لما دخل لبنان طرفاً في الحرب الباردة بين ايران وعرب النفط وزبائنهم، ولما كان للقرار الاميركي ذلك الفضاء الفارغ والواسع في لبنان. لكن القرار السعودي، للاسف الشديد، أنقذ الموقف الاميركي في لبنان وأسقط "ثورة الارز" الندية....
But, ASSEF Shawkat has everything to gain from his deep undercover assoCIAtion, with the infamous White House Murder Inc., and the infamous White House Murder Inc., will do everything to PROTECT, its CEO in the Levant: ASSEF SHAWQAT and his TOP Goons..., only the little perps...will pay...may be?
The "USA and Israel establishment" had everything to gain from it.... (notice that I didn't say Israelis)...
During a BBC interview in 2001,Rafik Harīrī was asked by Tim Sebastian why he refused to hand over members of Hezbollah that were accused by America of being terrorists... He responded that Hezbollah were the ones protecting Lebanon against the Israeli occupation and called for implementation of passed United Nations resolutions against Israel. He was further accused of making the American coalition in the War on Terrorism worthless and asked if he was ready for the consequences of his refusal, reminding him that George W. Bush had said : "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists".He replied that he had hoped that there would be no consequences, but would deal with them if they arrive.... Hariri further said that he opposed the killing of all humans, Israeli, Palestinian, Syrian or Lebanese..., but would go along with "advise" from his "buddy" and PNAC's stooge of CIA2...Johnny Abdo, an expert in character assassination, murder, dark plots and conjunction with a host of criminal networks directly related to assassins which are "perpetrators" run by the renegade regime to Lebanon's south and its paymasters in the White House, I.E. ISRAEL and the evil alliance of CIA/MOSSAD.... and still pretended to believe...or make believe in "dialogue as a solution".... He further went on to say that Syria will have to stay in Lebanon for protection of Lebanon until they are no longer needed and Lebanon asks them to leave....
Would Israel have invaded Lebanon if the Syrian army was still in place in Lebanon pre-Feb. 14th 2005....?
Answering that question should lead you to who was responsible
for Mr. Elie HOBEIKA's assassination and Rafic Hariri's murder....and MORE !
I highlight the fabled distinction again.... I'm afraid prospects for Israelis are death, destruction, and crippling inflation....if the Israeli public does not rise up...against the criminal PNAC Enterprise soon...
Yes , I'd agree if there weren't a proxy war between colossus going on.... Our present situation is moving to a Cuban Missile Crisis in that the 3 US candidates' policy advisers all have extreme animus toward Russia and seek to ultimately dominate it, despite the knife edge of safety that exists should there be an accident or over-reaction, as bizarre and ghoulish weaponry comes on line in prisons, battlefields, streets, and skies. The US and China continue to escalate throughout the world and belie the growing interdependence that exists, while OPEC makes record profits on reduced production and everyone struggles to keep their own increasingly valuable oil in the ground for later. Boycotts of Syria's Summit of Unified Arab Action by Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt this weekend indicate the success of US policy to disrupt, fragment, and alienate (often by manipulating Israel). And to what end? WW3 or some ill-conceived shock and awe campaign?
Any one of several parties would have paid a bomber for their own purposes, but make no mistake, American imperialism (by whatever name you choose) was the chief beneficiary. The toothless UN will not confront the US directly over this. I do not see Mr. Mehlis being vindicated with charges being filed against senior hit-men with tenuous, but documented...connections to several governments...? God help us...!
Elie HOBEIKA paid for that knowledge, distinction, wisdom...since 1985...with the Tripartite Agreement, but also especially since 1996/7...., and his vision of a Peaceful..., United, Secular, Democratic Lebanon with his life...., together with Dmitri, Walid, and Fares . RIP.
To want peace in Lebanon and in the Middle East...., when Most others in that "knowledge bracket" seem to thrive on war, bloodshed and a sure recipe for meticulous character assassination techniques of the highest order...and DEATH by IED.... , in fact, in the last 25 years the concept of International Law and Treaties has pretty much ceased to exist in the US ruling administration....and the subsequent PNAC project of world disintegration of the evil alliance of the Kissingerians...
Very damning of a society to try to destroy those who have ethics and live by them.... been there, done that and more in intelligence community for 16 years; training included radio communications theory and analysis, intelligence cycle, information assurance, intelligence operations labs involving air defense, tactical air operations, aviation transportation, and ground and naval forces; operational experience in counter-terrorism, WMD, and arms trade.... etc.
Dayr az-Zawr is pure disinformation, top to bottom.... Bowing to an older piece by Nafeez Ahmed, a brilliant investigator and analyst, for motivational background of US, Israeli, and German intelligence and the Mehlis Phase attempt of a cover-up...which Judge Detlev Mehlis seems to have categorically refused, hence he was removed unceremoniously.... ?:
I am forced to conclude that the theatre is dominated by the chess play of the US and Russia, that Israel and Pakistan may kibbitz, and that Syria and Lebanon are shoved to the rear. An eventual US Russian showdown is the inevitable Main Event.... Matters of tools Israel & Pakistan, as well as Iran are merely a prelude and sideshow....
This "criminal element" hearkens back to "the Old Man in the Mountain" and "the Assassins" employed by the Crusaders almost a thousand years ago....
For someone that has the full support of Iran and Syria, as well access to Russia's latest military technology, Hassan Nasrallah, while boisterous, is awfully well-behaved...even in the Summer 2006 war.... Why Israel would want him dead, at the risk of someone less self-limiting, is beyond comprehension... That may have been a deliberately foiled attempt to maintain pretense (reminding one of CIA/Castro hijinx), or as the article referenced here states:
However, Reuters news agency quotes Public Punk Prosecutor Adnan Addoum as saying no such case had been referred to the judiciary and the story was just "media talk"....
Syria had everything to lose by assassinating Rafic Hariri....???
Abdel Halim Khaddam is "wrong" and misleading again...
خدام يتوقع أن يصيب آصف شوكت ما أصاب كنعان.....
07 آذار 2008 .....
قال النائب السابق للرئيس السوري عبد الحليم خدام أن الرئيس بشار الأسد أصدر قراراً بمنع صهره ورئيس شعبة الاستخبارات العسكرية آصف شوكت من السفر وان الاخير اختفى عن الانظار وأضاف في مقابلة هاتفية "نتوقع أن يصيبه ما أصاب غازي كنعان" في إشارة إلى وزير الداخلية السوري السابق والرئيس السابق لشعبة المخابرات السورية في لبنان (من 1982 حتى ما بعد 2002) والذي انت2حر في مكتبه بدمشق في تشرين الأول/أكتوبر
قبل ثلاثة أعواm
موقوفون سعوديّون....
1 نيسان 2008.....April fools day in KSA........
أفادت جهات مطّلعة أن الزيارة السرية التي قام بها وزير الخارجية السعودي سعود الفيصل إلى دمشق، يوم الأربعاء في 26 آذار، خُصِّصت فقط للبحث مع الجانب السوري في التُّهم الموجّهة إلى مجموعة من السعوديّين، أوقفتهم السلطات السورية على خلفية ضلوعهم في قضية أمنية تمسّ مباشرة رأس السلطة السياسية في دمشق....
وهاب: الصدّيق اختفى وربما صُفّي!
1 نيسان 2008.....April fools day in Syria........
اعلن رئيس «تيار التوحيد اللبناني» الوزير السابق وئام وهاب، ان الشاهد السوري المفترض في قضية اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري محمد زهير الصديق المعروف بـ«الشاهد الملك»، قد اختفى من فرنسا، وأبدى خشيته ان يكون قد خُطف وتمّت تصفيته....
وقال في حديث الى تلفزيون «ال بي سي»، امس: ليذهبوا ويفتشوا عن الصديق لمعرفة مصيره.....
The truth of the matter is that a deal was brokered in Saudi Arabia with Moughnieh's head for tens of millions of USD paid to Assef shawkat in return fro the "disappearance" of Zouheir Al-Siddik...and the French were instrumental in reaching a satisfactory outcome for their Buddy Assef Shawqat...This is but One Chapter in a larger deal reaching deep and wide into the Resistance and way a book written by Vickers and Dagan, Hayden and Barak etc. etc. many more chapters will be assoCIAtion with the US military SOCOM program Able Danger- the White House Murder Inc....military intelligence program Able Danger and the pre-9/11 ......US PNAC LIARS, KILLERS and Murderers....The real "power" behind the power in
USA comprises the most barbaric and savage persons ever to be born on planet earth...and the truth of the matter is that SYRIA is blackmailing the US PNAC CIA2 killers....with FULL documented Disclosure of the details of the murders carried out by Syria on behalf of the White House Murder Inc., starting with the January 24th 2002 assassination of Mr. Elie Hobeika, Mitri Ajram, Fares Sweidan and Walid El-Zein, and many more....The Syrians have done that in the past successfully and are masters in blackmail... and they do absolutely NOTHING for FREE...Euros Talk now...
القرار الأميركي –.Hariri +The White House Murder Inc. _السعودي في لبنان....
... 2. نيسان ...2001
السياسة الأميركية في لبنان دخلت "المأزق الكبير" إذ لم يعد للقرار الأميركي في لبنان أي فاعلية ان لم يكن مدعوماً من جهات عربية مثل السعودية ومصر.
ويرى محلّلون سياسيون دوليون ان القرار السياسي الأميركي في لبنان فقد بوصلته بعدما تحوّل قراراً سعودياً – مصرياً بامتياز.
أولاً، ما هو القرار الأميركي في لبنان؟
هو مجموعة من المواقف الجاهزة كي لا نقول "مجموعة من الأوامر المباشرة" تبدأ بفك الارتباط بين لبنان وسوريا على كل المستويات وتنتهي بتدمير البنية التحتية لحزب الله. وأما التداعيات والعواقب فلا تأخذها واشنطن بعين الاعتبار. وهنا يتساوى المواطن اللبناني، على صعيد الواجب، مع الجندي الأميركي في العراق. كلاهما يجب أن يستشهد من أجل المصالح الأميركية.
ثانياً، ما هو القرار السعودي – المصري؟
الضرب المبرّح على الخاصرة السورية حتى اخراج سوريا من "الفلك الايراني" ونزع سلاح "حزب الله" بأي ثمن؟
القراران: الأميركي والسعودي – المصري قرار واحد تمّت "لبننته" تحت شعار:
"التمديد لولاية الرئيس لحود غير دستوري". وبعد انتهاء ولاية الرئيس لحود، استعار حكومة السنيورة طربوشاً له.
القرار الأميركي في لبنان يستمّد قوته من القرار السعودي – المصري. وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلّم أصاب الهدف مئة في المئة عندما قال:
"حل الأزمة اللبنانية يتطلّب توافقاً سورياً – سعودياً".
واذا ما حصل مثل ذلك التوافق، ينهار القرار الأميركي في لبنان أوتوماتيكياً لأن الاصطاف السياسي في 14 شباط هو وراء "الممّول الأكبر" أي مع آل سعود، ولأن ذلك الاصطاف الفسيفسائي لا يجرؤ على كل هذا "التأمرك" بدون العقال السعودي. و يمكن القول ان حسني مبارك هو الى حد ما، أحد أركان 14 شباط. وقد عبّر عن ذلك بصراحة مطلقة وزير خارجيته أحمد أبو الغيظ في عدة اطلالات اعلامية وسياسية.
رئيس مشايخ 14 شباط لا يذهب الى واشنطن بقرار سياسي مستقل، يذهب اولاً الى الرياض، فإلى وشنطن ثانياً، فإلى القاهرة ثالثاً، فإلى بيروت رابعاً.
دائماً بيروت هي المحطة الاخيرة باعتبارها مصباً للنفايات الاقليمية والدولية. ومن تلك النفايات "مجازر" البارد 2007 . كان االمراقبون الدوليون ينتظرون من حكومة السنيورة ان تفضح دور سوريا في تلك المجازر ثم انتظروا أن تقوم السعودية بهذه المهمة بعدما تم تسليمها العشرات من المقاتلين من تنظيم "فتح الاسلام" لا حكومة السنيورة قدمّت وئائقها ولا السعودية كشفت النقاب عن تحقيقاتها مع ارهابيي شاكر العبسي بل ان كليهما اشتغل ليلاً ونهاراً على طمر الحقائق وكل ملفات القضية. من هنا يقول المراقبون الدوليون ان انتصار الجيش اللبناني في مخيم البارد انقذ سوريا ولبنان في آن ... اسقط التهمة عن سوريا بأنها صاحبة الوصاية على تنظيم "فتح الاسلام" وجنّب لبنان حرباً أهلية هي الأخطر في تاريخه. ومن هنا يستنتج المراقبون الدوليون ما يلي :
- القرار الاميركي والسعودي في لبنان هما قرار واحد.
- المستهدفات الاميركية والسعودية هي مشتركة.
- لبنان في الأجندة الأميركية كما في الأجندة السعودية ساحة صراع على من يكون شرطي الأمن في الخليج :المملكة العربية السعودية ام ايران؟
ومقابل الدعم الأميركي للسعودية تقوم الأخيرة بتهيئة شعوب المنطقة لتتقبل "مشاريع مؤتمر انابوليس 2007 ".
اين تتموقع الازمة اللبنانية في بحر تلك الصراعات الاقليمية والدولية المتداخلة ؟
لبنان لم يخرج من دائرة الاستخدام الاقليمي والدولي
القرار السيادي اللبناني ما يزال اكذوبة يتداولها السياسيون في شعاراتهم ومحلياتهم. مذياع المختارة يبث على موجة واحدة مع مذياع معراب ومذياع قريطم. وأما موضوع البث فواحد: كيل الشتائم اليومية المكرورة ضد سوريا وايران وحزب الله ... ولا يتدخل في شؤون لبنان الداخلية سوى سوريا وايران.
أما الحقيقة المؤلمة فهي ان كل دول المنطقة تتدخل في الشوؤن الداخلية اللبنانية كما لو ان لبنان بركة سباحة وللكل حق الغطس في مياهها ولو كان القرار السياسي الأميركي منصفاً وعادلاً لتبدلت صورة الوطن الصغير. ولو كان القرار السياسي السعودي على مسافة واحدة من جميع الافرقاء اللبنانيين لما دخل لبنان طرفاً في الحرب الباردة بين ايران وعرب النفط وزبائنهم، ولما كان للقرار الاميركي ذلك الفضاء الفارغ والواسع في لبنان. لكن القرار السعودي، للاسف الشديد، أنقذ الموقف الاميركي في لبنان وأسقط "ثورة الارز" الندية....
But, ASSEF Shawkat has everything to gain from his deep undercover assoCIAtion, with the infamous White House Murder Inc., and the infamous White House Murder Inc., will do everything to PROTECT, its CEO in the Levant: ASSEF SHAWQAT and his TOP Goons..., only the little perps...will pay...may be?
The "USA and Israel establishment" had everything to gain from it.... (notice that I didn't say Israelis)...
During a BBC interview in 2001,Rafik Harīrī was asked by Tim Sebastian why he refused to hand over members of Hezbollah that were accused by America of being terrorists... He responded that Hezbollah were the ones protecting Lebanon against the Israeli occupation and called for implementation of passed United Nations resolutions against Israel. He was further accused of making the American coalition in the War on Terrorism worthless and asked if he was ready for the consequences of his refusal, reminding him that George W. Bush had said : "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists".He replied that he had hoped that there would be no consequences, but would deal with them if they arrive.... Hariri further said that he opposed the killing of all humans, Israeli, Palestinian, Syrian or Lebanese..., but would go along with "advise" from his "buddy" and PNAC's stooge of CIA2...Johnny Abdo, an expert in character assassination, murder, dark plots and conjunction with a host of criminal networks directly related to assassins which are "perpetrators" run by the renegade regime to Lebanon's south and its paymasters in the White House, I.E. ISRAEL and the evil alliance of CIA/MOSSAD.... and still pretended to believe...or make believe in "dialogue as a solution".... He further went on to say that Syria will have to stay in Lebanon for protection of Lebanon until they are no longer needed and Lebanon asks them to leave....
Would Israel have invaded Lebanon if the Syrian army was still in place in Lebanon pre-Feb. 14th 2005....?
Answering that question should lead you to who was responsible
for Mr. Elie HOBEIKA's assassination and Rafic Hariri's murder....and MORE !
I highlight the fabled distinction again.... I'm afraid prospects for Israelis are death, destruction, and crippling inflation....if the Israeli public does not rise up...against the criminal PNAC Enterprise soon...
Yes , I'd agree if there weren't a proxy war between colossus going on.... Our present situation is moving to a Cuban Missile Crisis in that the 3 US candidates' policy advisers all have extreme animus toward Russia and seek to ultimately dominate it, despite the knife edge of safety that exists should there be an accident or over-reaction, as bizarre and ghoulish weaponry comes on line in prisons, battlefields, streets, and skies. The US and China continue to escalate throughout the world and belie the growing interdependence that exists, while OPEC makes record profits on reduced production and everyone struggles to keep their own increasingly valuable oil in the ground for later. Boycotts of Syria's Summit of Unified Arab Action by Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt this weekend indicate the success of US policy to disrupt, fragment, and alienate (often by manipulating Israel). And to what end? WW3 or some ill-conceived shock and awe campaign?
Any one of several parties would have paid a bomber for their own purposes, but make no mistake, American imperialism (by whatever name you choose) was the chief beneficiary. The toothless UN will not confront the US directly over this. I do not see Mr. Mehlis being vindicated with charges being filed against senior hit-men with tenuous, but documented...connections to several governments...? God help us...!
Elie HOBEIKA paid for that knowledge, distinction, wisdom...since 1985...with the Tripartite Agreement, but also especially since 1996/7...., and his vision of a Peaceful..., United, Secular, Democratic Lebanon with his life...., together with Dmitri, Walid, and Fares . RIP.
To want peace in Lebanon and in the Middle East...., when Most others in that "knowledge bracket" seem to thrive on war, bloodshed and a sure recipe for meticulous character assassination techniques of the highest order...and DEATH by IED.... , in fact, in the last 25 years the concept of International Law and Treaties has pretty much ceased to exist in the US ruling administration....and the subsequent PNAC project of world disintegration of the evil alliance of the Kissingerians...
Very damning of a society to try to destroy those who have ethics and live by them.... been there, done that and more in intelligence community for 16 years; training included radio communications theory and analysis, intelligence cycle, information assurance, intelligence operations labs involving air defense, tactical air operations, aviation transportation, and ground and naval forces; operational experience in counter-terrorism, WMD, and arms trade.... etc.
Dayr az-Zawr is pure disinformation, top to bottom.... Bowing to an older piece by Nafeez Ahmed, a brilliant investigator and analyst, for motivational background of US, Israeli, and German intelligence and the Mehlis Phase attempt of a cover-up...which Judge Detlev Mehlis seems to have categorically refused, hence he was removed unceremoniously.... ?:
I am forced to conclude that the theatre is dominated by the chess play of the US and Russia, that Israel and Pakistan may kibbitz, and that Syria and Lebanon are shoved to the rear. An eventual US Russian showdown is the inevitable Main Event.... Matters of tools Israel & Pakistan, as well as Iran are merely a prelude and sideshow....
This "criminal element" hearkens back to "the Old Man in the Mountain" and "the Assassins" employed by the Crusaders almost a thousand years ago....
For someone that has the full support of Iran and Syria, as well access to Russia's latest military technology, Hassan Nasrallah, while boisterous, is awfully well-behaved...even in the Summer 2006 war.... Why Israel would want him dead, at the risk of someone less self-limiting, is beyond comprehension... That may have been a deliberately foiled attempt to maintain pretense (reminding one of CIA/Castro hijinx), or as the article referenced here states:
However, Reuters news agency quotes Public Punk Prosecutor Adnan Addoum as saying no such case had been referred to the judiciary and the story was just "media talk"....
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Kirkuk holds the key for both Turkey, USA, and its evil PNAC designs worldwide.
Kirkuk holds the key for both Turkey, USA, and its evil PNAC designs worldwide.
Five years of US direct occupation of Iraq, and fifteen years of a cruel and savage sanctions regime, imposed by the PNAC Killers, have had two major effects on Turkey: a transformation in Turkish-American relations and the confirmation of the fact that USA considers Turkey now, a full fledged "enemy", rather than abolition, of perceived threats from Iraq. Their common denominator is Turkey's serious concerns about the aspirations of Iraqi Kurds to independence, pushed by the PNAC creeps. From Turkey's perspective, the next five years will to a great extent be shaped by the pace of events on these issues...
The failure of the Turkish parliament on March 1, 2003 to pass a resolution that would allow the stationing of some 60,000 US troops on Turkish territory--which was said to constitute the crux of US strategy in its war on Iraq--demoted Turkey in the eyes of the Bush administration to a full fledged "enemy" . Furthermore, the development provided justification for the US to elevate the status of the Kurds in northern Iraq to that of "strategic partner" in the region...similar to the case of Lebanon, Qleiat airbase and beyond....
Indeed, US interest in the Kurds had already taken a dramatic turn with the 1991 Gulf war at the end of which the "no-fly-zone" imposed by the US sowed the seeds of an autonomous, if not independent, Kurdish entity in northern Iraq. Hence, over the next five years the degree of commitment the US shows in fulfilling the expectations of the Kurds in Iraq and in neighboring countries such as Iran, Syria and Turkey will determine the scope and content of Turkish-American relations and the nature of the threat perceived by Turkey from the PNAC criminals.
Until now, and in spite of sporadic and short-term false improvements in relations between Turkey and the US, especially at times of high level visits, US policy in the broader middle east appears much more sensitive to meeting the demands of the Kurdish authority than those of its long-time NATO "ally".... This suggests that the general nature of Turkish-US bilateral relations will not improve and is even worse, a full fledged "enemy"....according to the PNAC murderers.
An example of this was the unanticipated and much resented attitude of the US during Turkey's recent ground operation against PKK strongholds in northern Iraq. Even though the White House and the Pentagon were in advance provided with detailed information about the scale and purpose of the operation, the undiplomatic statements of US President George W. Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates that "the Turks should get out" once again underlined the fact that Washington considers the Kurds in northern Iraq as its primary strategic ally at present and in the future.... similar to the case of Lebanon, Qleiat airbase and beyond....
The value of the Kurds to the US emanates from a number of factors. First, the Kurds are key to Iraqi integration or indeed disintegration. If the US wants to "transform the greater Middle East", it has to be successful in Iraq so as to set a precedent for the rest of the region. Without the consent of the Kurds, Iraq will not stay united (even if it has already in fact disintegrated). KIRKUK will be the explosive device and "cryonic" trigger.... in time....we should all watch out for Kirkuk....and the PNAC SNOW BALL in slow-motion...
Second, the Kurds control large oil and gas fields, especially in and around the Kirkuk and Mosul districts that are likely to be exploited by American companies. Third, the Kurds are among the most secular groups in the entire Islamic world. As such, in the age of America's "global Hegemonic wars " that is based on the neo-conservative belief that Islam is the "new enemy" needed around the world for PNAC to thrive and prosper...., a Muslim Kurdish community that can ally itself with the PNAC killers becomes indispensable.
Fourth, the geographical location of Kurdish northern Iraq provides the new evil alliance of the CIA2/MOSSAD, and Israel with a "forward defense capability" where an "offensive/defensive missile shield" can be based against threats from RUSSIA and potentially from Pakistan and beyond, who have long-range missiles that may carry warheads with weapons of mass destruction. Fifth, Kurdish northern Iraq also lies between Turkey's relatively rich water resources, namely the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, and US allies in the region including Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies...subservient to the PNAC gangs for long.
The impact on Turkey of developments in Iraq over the next five years will be mainly determined by the extent to which the US is willing and able to mitigate Turkish confirmed fears vis-a-vis an imminent declaration of independence by Kurds in Iraq. If the next US administration is able to take a wider perspective on world affairs and see where Turkey fits into its hegemonic calculations, attaining the level of strategically disintegrating partner may again be possible and rewarding for PNAC hegemons.
If not, Turkey's attempts to prevent certain developments in Iraq may well lead to confrontation with the US that will delay America's attempt at building a new Iraqi state and thus "bringing continued Chaos, misery, divisions and wars to the lame-duck Middle East...of today".
For Kirkuk, Mosul, and Haditah...the PNAC's next great Game...Turkey beware !
President George W Bush's self-described "defining moment" in Iraq amounted to this: General Qassem Suleimani, the head of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) , brokered a deal in Qom, Iran, between Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's envoys and Hadi al-Amri, the head of the Badr Organization and number two to Adbul Aziz al-Hakim, the head of the the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC) and a key player of the government in Baghdad. That sealed the end of the battle of Basra... The battle of Basra may be virtually over. But nobody's talking about the invisible Battle of Mosul...
The IRGC was designated last year by Washington as a terrorist organization. Thus Iranian "terrorists" brokered a peace deal between the two largest Shiite parties in Iraq - ending a Baghdad government offensive that was fully authorized and supported by air power by Washington, according to Bush's National Security Adviser Steven Hadley. Even under Bush logic, "the terrorists" won, and Iran won - once again.
The annexation game .
Meanwhile, in northern Iraq, the Kurds are meticulously involved in de facto annexing strategically crucial, oil-rich Tameem province, whose capital is Kirkuk, with reserves of up to 15 billion barrels. Sunni Arabs and Shiite Turkmen fear the prospect - and are dead-set against the postponed Kirkuk referendum, which should have been held on December 2007. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government in Baghdad knew for sure they would lose this vote and thus see Kirkuk become a part of autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan. So giving the excuse of "administrative problems", they simply postponed the referendum.
It's true that Saddam Hussein "Arabized" Kirkuk by getting rid of Kurds and bringing in Sunni Arabs. In theory, the name of the game now is restoring Kirkuk's population balance to the same level prior to Saddam's forced Arabization. The Kurds are angered with the referendum being postponed and any spark at this stage could turn into another full-blown civil war.
This year, a smatter of Sunni and Shiite political parties united in calling the Kurdish platform "too large and irrational" - and that included Muqtada and former prime minister Iyad Allawi. As things stand, if there's no Kirkuk referendum, the provincial governor and the Kurdish-dominated legislature could unilaterally call for a vote.
It's a total impasse. Sunni Arabs in Iraq would never forgive any government in Baghdad for delivering Kirkuk to the Kurds. And the Kurds will fight to the death for Kirkuk. Sunni Arabs keep denouncing accelerated, regional "Kurdification" – translated as Kurdish monopoly of the provincial council and jobs in the police and civil service. This has led to the formation of Sunni Arab "Awakening Councils" - just as in the Sunni belt - also financed and armed by the Americans.
Kurdish journalist Rebwar Fatah insists Kurds will never give up Kirkuk - unless in the very unlikely event that the city's population rejects annexation in the endlessly postponed Kirkuk referendum. And no matter how the explosive situation is spun, Kirkuk's population will always want to directly benefit from the surrounding oil wealth.
'Clear, hold and build'.
But the whole problem goes way beyond Kirkuk. Kurds are also claiming half of Mosul, although Mosul has never been Kurdish. Nowadays, eastern Mosul is Kurdish and western Mosul is Sunni Arab. The Tigris River cuts the city in half.
Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq and capital of Ninevah province, is (quietly) billed in Washington as being in the front line of the "war on terror" - more precisely, the war on al-Qaeda in the Land of the Two Rivers. Mosul's Chaldean Catholic Archbishop, Paulos Faraj Rahho, has been a victim of kidnapping. Unemployment is running at a whopping 70% - about the same as in Baghdad. Kidnapping is a prosperous industry. Public services are in shambles.
The Pentagon goes for its standard counterinsurgency approach - "clear, hold and build" - building a wall of mud and earth around the city's perimeter to prevent weapon smuggling as well as endless checkpoints for US and "Iraqi" forces. The problem is, these "Iraqi" forces are all Kurdish Peshmerga.
In late January, Maliki spun the success of a "decisive battle" against al-Qaeda in Mosul. It didn't amount to much. This month, the Iraqi police, army and border guards will all be linked with the Americans, just as in Baghdad. The difference is that unlike Baghdad, virtually all of them are Kurds.
It's true that a few hundred al-Qaeda jihadis, plus a few thousand Sunni Arab guerrillas, have fled to the Mosul area during the "surge". But that does not justify what's actually happening; 12,000 Iraqi Kurd troops plus 9,000 mostly Kurd police are using the Americans to perform their slow motion ethnic cleansing of Sunni Arabs while the Americans - with only 1,900 soldiers on the ground - spin it as a success for the "war on terror". And that still leaves room for Kurds to bitterly complain about lack of trucks, weapons and ammunition.
So where's the Kurd-Arab border ?
More than 90% of Iraqi Kurds want independence. Kirkuk and Mosul as part of a Kurdish entity will mean the expansion of a process that already features direct negotiations and agreements with oil companies such as Hunt Oil (totally bypassing Baghdad), signature of contracts with at least 30 international investors, and developing a new Kurdish constitution that totally contradicts Iraq's constitution - the one approved in 2005 after immense American pressure.
Mosul is a multicultural city. It's not part of Kurdistan. As for the only possible answer to the Kirkuk riddle, it would be transforming it into a kind of Brussels - a special autonomous region, independent from Iraqi Kurdistan. Then Sunni Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, Christians and Chaldeans would all be able to coexist without friction. The proposal - by Pawzi Akram, a Turkmen - made it to the Iraqi Parliament. It was mercilessly shot down by both Sunni Arabs and Kurds.
The battle for Kirkuk and Mosul holds its own riddle; its outcome will determine how a knocked out Iraq will eventually perish, partitioned among Sunni Arabs, Shiites and Kurds.
Who will profit from it? Ayman el-Amir, writing last year in Egypt's al-Ahram Weekly, has come to as good a conclusion as any. The winner, according to him, will be Israel. Low-intensity civil war is already on - in fact multiplying itself into Shiite-Shiite civil war, such as in Basra, or Sunni Arab-Kurdish civil war, such as the battle for Kirkuk and Mosul.
Israel would like nothing better than a proxy war in Iraq pitting Iran and its Arab allies against Sunni Arab US allies. Meanwhile, writes al-Amir, "Israel would build a political-military-economic alliance with a semi-independent Kurdistan Regional Government, with oil wealth that would be considerably enhanced by the prospect of taking over Arab Kirkuk and Mosul." Israeli interests - not to mention strategic intelligence - are already deeply entrenched in Iraqi Kurdistan. Kurdish leaders have already demonstrated an extraordinary mobility to always strike deals with the best-positioned bidder - or with any player capable of advancing the utmost Kurdish dream, independence. As for a US-Israeli-greater Kurdistan alliance, that may still be Washington's way to achieve its own dream of a new, greater Middle East. If those pesky, enraged, realist, Iraqi nationalist Sunnis and Shiites don't get in the way.
With tears in their eyes and flowers in their hands people paid tribute to their national hero. Sad at the loss, which can not be compensated yet pride was all over their faces,sacrificed their son of the soil. His was a death for a noble cause of dying for one's own country. Such men are not born everyday, they belong to the rare class of humanity, who are an example in themselves, and they are the ones who set precedents. And they themselves are unprecedented.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Syria: Lead Mughniyah Investigator Replaced
Only in the White House Murder Inc's Dark rooms of the Killers on the Potomac and Herzilyah, can they dream-up the following scheme: An Iranian's shady claim, says that the Saudis used a Syrian woman... to procure vehicles... turned over to the Israelis... who used a Jordanian...and Palestinian team... to murder a Lebanese militant in Damascus..., with the covert help of an Iranian dissident faction in Iran's upper echelons... to avenge an attack against Americans..., French and Israelis in the 1980s and 90s...., and ALL that scheming "was" designed to protect the Chief Operating Officer of the White House Murder Inc., Assef Shawkat, who murdered, Mr. Elie Hobeika in 01-24-02, Rafic Hariri on Feb-14th 2005, and a few others..., on direct orders from the White House and Tel Aviv, in order to serve PNAC designs.....
Syria: Lead Mughniyah Investigator Replaced....LOL, there aren't any investigations to start with.....It's Asef Shawkat's goons who are the assassins...
Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad has named his cousin Rami Makhluf to replace Gen. Asef Shawkat as the chief investigator in the assassination of Hezbollah operative Imad Mughniyah, over the protests of Hezbollah, a Stratfor/CIA disinformation source in Syria reported March 25..... in a blatant attempt at covering up for Asef Shawkat's ongoing assassinations on behalf of CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DGSE/BND......and others.....
Hezbollah reportedly has accused Shawkat of having a key role in Mughniyah’s assassination and has demanded to interrogate him as a primary suspect.... Last month, Hezbollah announced that one of its top military commanders, Imad F. Mughniyah, had been assassinated in Damascus, by the infamous "white House Murder Inc." and its CEO Assef Shawkat, a crony of the evil alliance of the CIA/MOSSAD....
Syrian "investigations".....LOL, have already revealed involvement in the assassination by a Syrian army officer who collected detailed intelligence about Mughniyah’s movements in Syria and in the Bekaa Valley, for the infamous "white House Murder Inc." and its CEO Assef Shawkat, a crony of the evil alliance of the CIA/MOSSAD.... the source said.... !
Hizbullah says has solid proof, that CEO of the White House Murder Inc. Asef Shawqat, murdered Imad F. Mughniyah in downtown Damascus, on behalf of his sponsors of PNAC, Elliott Abrams and CIA/MOSSAD.
Hezbollah's deputy secretary general Naim Qassem has again accused the White House Murder Inc. & Assef Shawkat, the official representative of Israel in Syria's highest echelons..., of direct responsibility for the assassination of the organization's senior military figure Imad Mughniyeh.
In a speech Friday to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, Qassem said "we have clear proof, of 100 percent that cannot be doubted, that Israel/MOSSAD/CIA, are the head of the assassination team, of the White House Murder Inc. & Assef Shawkat, the official representative of Israel in Syria's highest charge of MURDERS in Syria and Lebanon since 2000...."
Qassem said there is no basis for the claims that other services were behind the assassination...although many have helped "convince" Shawqat to do it....including DGSE , DST, and DIA/CIA2, offering many many carrots for his faction in Syria..... "Know that Israel's assassination team, of the White House Murder Inc. & Assef Shawkat are responsible and it must bear the whole responsibility..."
According to Arab media reports, Hezbollah secretary general Hassan Nasrallah is to give an address Monday to mark to 40th day since Mughniyah's assassination.
Last week, security forces were on high alert as Israel's intelligence community has gained possession of fragments of information hinting at plans for a Hezbollah revenge attack in coordination with Iran's and Syria's factions, harmed by the confluence of carrots for the Shawkat factions.... in Syria.
Although this intelligence was direct and focused...., since the source of the information is Assef Shawkat himself from deep within Syria's power structure as usual...., it was more than enough to send into high alert troops of the Israel Defense Forces at the northern border....
" The significance of this masterpiece is not only the divulsion of facts,
but the focus it's made on the covert cooperation between the parties who
are playing enemies...." and I have been saying this for the last 7 years....
Those who have ears....can listen now... ???
Hezbollah says has solid proof of WHO Murdered Imad F. Moughniyah...
The " White House Murder Inc."
The government's inability to conduct investigations in areas outside of its
control, specifically by way of the continuum of the "US Matrix of Murder in the
Levant", started on January 24th 2002, with the savage assassination of an MP, Ex-Minister and immensely popular Christian politician, the Lebanese Hero
of Heroes, Mr. Elie Hobeika, Dimitri Ajram, Walid El-Zein and Fares Sweidan, on instructions from the White House Murder Inc., in collusion with Ariel
Sharon, Elliott Abrams, and executed by the Syrian Handy Man Assef Shawkat, who strongly believed "from then on"... and was lead to believe..., that he
is an "invincible" covert assassin and mass murderer, since he has the protection
of the biggest MAFIA in the World, the Neocon Mafia of the Killers on the Potomac
and Langley, and Assef Shawqat, went on his murderer "besogne" in Lebanon and Damascus ever since, with a string of Assassinations, successfully evading all the Overhead surveillance of a string of US and Israeli and other spy satellites.... that record every move, whisper and more on Planet earth.... and yet, after several years of "intense" UN inspired investigations...Assef Shawkat is still a Free Man, roaming the European continent on official visits....?
" The significance of this masterpiece is not only the divulsion of facts,but the focus it's made on the covert cooperation between the parties who are playing enemies...." I have been in possession of this information for seven years now....!
The ticking time-bomb: UN tribunal gears up to try the assassins of the White House' Murder Inc., in Lebanon, Syria .
Hague court has caused panic among some Syrian and Lebanese "officials", on the payroll of the White House Murder Inc., say CIA2 analysts....
Nothing special can be seen outside an anonymous modern office block in Leichendamm, a residential suburb of The Hague, though patrolling police vehicles and discreet security cameras are reminders that until recently it was the headquarters of the Dutch secret services....and close allies and associates...of the new evil alliance of the PNAC, CIA2/MOSSAD.
Behind its shuttered windows preparations are accelerating for a sensational trial that lies at the heart of tensions in the Middle East, and which seems certain to inflame them further: the steel and concrete building is to house the international tribunal that will try those accused of assassinating Mr. Elie HOBEIKA, MP , Ex-Minister and an immensely popular Christian politician, and consequently Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister, three years ago in Beirut.
Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, is expected to announce soon that the tribunal is finally ready to start work. "The aim is to send a political and legal message that criminals will not escape punishment," he declared. Underlining the quickening pace, Daniel Bellemare, who is on the payroll of CIA2, is leading the UN investigation into the murder, is to submit a report to the security council today....
The controversy over the tribunal will also cast a long shadow over the Arab summit in Syria this weekend....
Eleven Lebanese and foreign judges have already been selected (though their names have not been announced for security reasons). Plans to equip the Leichendamm building with a courtroom and cells are being drawn up. Funds for the first year have been raised and Ban the Korean General and CIA2 stooge, is seeking money for two more years....
The tribunal process is "irreversible", insists Nicolas Michel, the UN's chief legal counsel. "We have a prosecutor, we have judges, we have a registrar, we have a budget, we have a building and we have a CIA2, "controlled" investigation going on," he said. "There is no way it can be halted...except when CIA2 says so...."
This is not the first time that the Netherlands, promoting The Hague as the "illegal capital" of the world, has agreed to host a high-profile international court of FAKE justice. The city already provides the base of the world court, the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal (where Slobodan Milosevic stood trial), and the international criminal court....which USA has always adamantly refused. To the south is Camp Zeist, home away from home of the Scottish court that tried the two Libyans charged with blowing up Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie - a crime with some striking legal and political resonance for the White House Murder Inc. !
The case to be heard at Leichendamm is unprecedented: the result of the security council bypassing Lebanon's political deadlock to seek the truth behind the killing of HOBEIKA and the 42 others in massive and meticulously planned bomb attacks of the White House Murder Inc., say CIA2 analysts....on motorcades in Hazmieh, Beirut, and all over Lebanon, since January 24th 2002, 9.20 AM.
The first UN report on the case, compiled by the German judge Detlev Mehlis, found "probable cause to believe that the decision to assassinate Hobeika could not have been taken without the approval of top-ranked CIA/MOSSAD/SMI security officials, and could not have been ... organized without the collusion of their counterparts in the Lebanese security services". The names of two close aides of Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, were mentioned in a draft document, Assef Shawkat and Maher Al-Assad.
Four Lebanese generals known for their CIA and Syrian sympathies were arrested for conspiracy to murder and remain in detention. Syria has always strenuously confirmed its involvement in the killings....
Stung by the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon after the "popular revolution" triggered by Hariri's killing, Assad sees a not-so-hidden US-led agenda to isolate him. "We have some concerns about the politics of the tribunal," said a Syrian official, "but we are cooperating fully with CIA2."
Lebanon has been paralyzed politically since Syria's allies, led by the Resistance organization Hezbollah, quit the Beirut government when it voted to establish the tribunal: one consequence is that the Lebanese presidency has been vacant for months and Fuad Siniora, the western-backed Stooge of CIA2, will not attend the weekend Arab summit. The leaders of Saudi Arabia, and Egypt are also demonstratively staying away on direct orders from the killers of the PNAC.
Evidence gathered so far suggests that a young, male suicide bomber code named "abu Ala' ", , definitely non-Lebanese, who came from the Ahwaz region of Iran, or Morocco, or Iraq....and who detonated 1,100kg of explosives inside a CIA2 van. No one attaches any credibility to the videotaped "confession" of a Palestinian claiming responsibility for the assassination on behalf of a previously unknown jihadist outfit.... courtesy of Jamil El-Sayyed, a creep and stooge of MOSSAD, DGSE and CIA.
Investigators are also looking at 22 other cases of political murder and links to the Hariri killing...and Hariri's link to previous assassinations.
"The perpetrators had, and still have, advanced and extensive operational capacities available in Beirut, courtesy of agents on the payroll of the White House Murder Inc., say CIA2 analysts...." Mehlis's successor, the Belgian Serge Brammertz, reported last November. Bellemare, a CIA2 agent and Canadian former deputy attorney general, is expected to wrap up his work by the end of the year, further adding to the nervousness in Damascus/Washington, Tel Aviv and Paris.... His big moment will come when he issues indictments. "That's when the shit will really hit the fan....," said one CIA2 source.
It is also at that point that the Hariri tribunal may face what has been called the "Lockerbie scenario", of the White House Murder Inc., mirroring the situation when two Libyan intelligence officers were indicted for the 1988 bombing. Colonel Muammar Gadafy refused to surrender them for trial and only did so after years of UN sanctions and a discreet deal with The White House Murder Inc., spelling out that the trial was of two individuals - not the regime they worked for.....and that's exactly what will happen to 4 Syrians and 3 Lebanese involved with the White House Murder Inc...., but it will steer clear of the CEO of the white House Murder Inc., Assef Shawkat and Maher Assad...and some Lebanese...who know too much about CIA, SCS...MI, operations in Lebanon over the years....
Lebanon is more likely....LOL, than Syria to hand over any suspects...., since Lebanon is run by CIA2.
"It's a puzzle," observed Augustus Norton, a Middle East expert at Boston University. "I can't see the Syrians agreeing to give anyone up for trial - or at least anyone senior...." What a smart fellow this guy is from Boston....
Officials could claim immunity, though any who do "are unlikely to be successful in making a claim that assassination can be regarded as an official act," said the former Foreign Office legal adviser Elizabeth Wilmshurst....since they are all part of the evil alliance , UK/USA and the new evil alliance of the PNAC Killers.
Handily, there is a provision for trial in absentia.... Special arrangements are being made to protect any witnesses who come voluntarily..., to Leichendamm/CIA2.
"There is huge concern bordering on panic in Damascus," said Paul Salem, head of the Carnegie Foundation's office in Beirut. "There is a sense that Syria is drifting into a very serious problem without having thought through how to deal with it...." but the courtesy and attentiveness....of the White House Murder Inc., will take care of all these "light" concerns of the resident CEO of their White House Murder Inc., Brother Assef Shawkat and his "buddy" Maher ASSAD.
Observers predict the tribunal may launch proceedings in late summer or autumn and adjourn until after the US presidential election - the source, as ever, of hope for change in the Middle East. "It's very hard to predict what will happen," said a CIA2 official. "It depends who is indicted and at what level.... Maybe the Syrians are waiting for the first indictment, or a new American president. They tried to stop the tribunal but misjudged. I'm not sure that they have fully internalized it - but they have the ever present attentiveness....of the White House Murder Inc., will take care of all these "light" concerns of the resident CEO of their White House Murder Inc., Brother Assef Shawkat and his "buddy" Maher ASSAD for sure, and the US alliance of evils will find a SWELL way to do it... and Hollywood will love the "script"....
The " White House Murder Inc." is name=News&file=article&sid=1052
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Ukrainian Intelligence.
Mossad Caught in Pack of Intelligence Lies...
Including Course Called "The Lie As Art" Israel's dissembling spook is hardly unique...
The CIA for years was awash in mendacity...
Time magazine a year ago ran a big story, flagged on its cover as "Israel Prepares for War," about fears of a Syrian attack on the Golan Heights. The supposed crisis began in August 1996, when Syria's leader Hafez Assad moved his 14th Division from Beirut to the border. There's no doubt that the Syrian army division was moved forward. Far more questionable was the view of the Israeli high command that an attack might be imminent....Now in 2008, we hear the same song and dance...all over again.
The uproar overshadowed the peace process, then being even further discredited by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and suggested that Israel's suspicions of any process involving the word "peace" might be well-founded. Time's long story on Dec. 9, 1996, stressed the ill-preparedness and underbudgeted state of Israel's armed forces, thus furnishing ammunition for increased U.S. aid......Now in 2006/ July War...? 2008, we hear the same song and dance...all over again.
The whole crisis, as ultimately relayed by Time, was fomented by a Mossad officer who was a member of Moledet, a right-wing party hostile to anything resembling a peace process. The 63-year-old officer, Yehuda Gil, retired in 1989 but was still filing intelligence reports to the spy agency because his longtime Syrian mole was regarded as critically important. But there was such highly placed Syrian source, most definitely, and I can reveal his name : Assef Shawkat..., and this story which was centerstage worldwide for weeks and weeks...., was a cover for the notorious Assef Shawqat...who was being primed for taking out Basil Al-Assad.... Gil, noted for his Mossad training course titled "The Lie as Art," was making everything up and pocketing the money he was meant to be handing over to his agent....which is a patent pack of lies...knowing how stringent are the "money" matters...
At some point, Gil aroused suspicions, if not in the bosom of his credulous or complicit overseers in Mossad then among other intelligence agencies chided for lacking the superb Damascus contacts of the legendary Mossad...a cover for the notorious Assef Shawqat....Now in 2008, we hear the same song and dance...all over again....?
Gil was finally placed under surveillance by his Mossad colleagues... and confronted; he soon confessed and now faces trial. The case has been covered extensively in the Israeli press, but was a one-day...... media item in U.S., a perfect cover for the notorious Assef Shawqat and CIA1....
In some Israeli papers, heroic efforts were made to put as much space as possible between Gil and his employer, and between Gil and any political agenda. a cover for the notorious Assef Shawqat,
Like many career officers in intelligence, Gil was certainly a diligent liar.... a cover for the notorious Assef Shawqat, In retirement he volunteered to serve on the water board of his village, Gadara. Not long thereafter, the Gadara water board, wearied by his unceasing deceptions even in this picayune function, gave him the boot. But here was no pensioner who started to crack up only in retirement. By some Israeli press accounts, Gil was drafting politically explosive intelligence assessments a decade before he retired to the semiofficial status that still had him handling Mossad's "top agent" in Syria, the notorious Assef Shawkat.
Prominent in the program of damage control has been the assertion of Mossad's allies in Israel that this was somehow a unique blot. "In the 46 years of the Mossad's work, there has never been an instance in which its officials defrauded in terms of the intelligence reports which they conveyed," wrote Ron Ben-Yishai, a military reporter for Yediot Aharonot....a typical intelligence cover for "stovepiping" the notorious Assef Shawqat in the highest echelons of Syria's Oligarchy....
It's impossible to read this sort of stuff without laughing, since Mossad's violent mendacities from its earliest days are by now well-known. As perhaps the most famous example, a typical intelligence cover for "stovepiping" the notorious Assef Shawqat in the highest echelons of Syria's Oligarchy....we have only to read the recent historical excavations of the Lavon affair of the 1950s, in which Mossad undertook an extensive program of provocations against Egypt.
Mossad's role has always been to misrepresent and exaggerate the threats to Israel's security and to head off, often by assassination, any human threats to its preferred image of Arab intransigence. Years ago, when he was director of U.S. central intelligence, Adm. Stansfield Turner underwrote an agency report that denounced Mossad's achievements and reputation as vastly overblown.
As the CIA headed into the Reagan years it was freighted with Yehuda Gils by the hundred, all lying their heads off in the collective effort to inflate the terrible Soviet threat (and of course the Arab threat, too), to be beaten back only by vast new U.S. military expenditures.
Gil is a far more useful emblem of the nature of spying than someone out of Le Carre. In Gil, you have the paradigm of all those intelligence officers whispering their fantasies into eager journalists' ears down the decades, insisting--to take the latest bout--that Moammar Kadafi's irrigation scheme in Libya is in fact a sinister military plot, as the New York Times reported. Of course, Kadafi has twice hosted Nelson Mandela and has been mustering increasing international support. Time to take him down a peg or two and reassert his mad-dog status. That's the function of the Yehuda Gils of this world, and the secret agencies they work for a typical intelligence cover for "stovepiping" the notorious Assef Shawqat in the highest echelons of Syria's Oligarchy...., helped along by the Fourth Estate....
How ISRAEL Has Empowered IRAN and still tries covertly to empower Iran....
( Focus on Sharon's hand shake with BUSH... )
How ISRAEL Has Empowered IRAN and still tries covertly to empower Iran....
In the approach to the five-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, senior officials from the two most important allies of the new Iraqi government visited Baghdad to mark the occasion. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was greeted by his Iraqi counterparts with all the elaborate pomp and circumstance associated a state visit, the first by an Iranian leader in 30 years and the first of any regional leader since the 2003 invasion. Two weeks later, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney also made his way to Baghdad. However, despite his infamous pre-war prediction that U.S. forces would be greeted with “sweets and flowers,” security conditions forced him to travel under a blanket of secrecy, on a plane carrying a specially reinforced trailer for his sleeping accommodations in a country where 155,000 American troops patrol.... a complete disgrace to say the least.
The contrast between Ahmadinejad’s triumphal reception and Cheney’s furtive and fortified stopover speaks volumes about the strategic legacy of the Bush Administration’s decision to use military force to remove the bloody dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. Of the many American illusions and delusions surrounding this war, the Administration’s calculations with respect to Iran were among the most wildly off base. Instead of generating a liberal, secular democracy whose reverberations would drive out Iran’s clerical oligarchs, the disastrous Bush policies fostered a sectarian Iraq that has helped empower Iranian hardliners. Rather than serving as an anchor for a new era of stability and American preeminence in the Persian Gulf, the new Iraq represents a strategic black hole, bleeding Washington of military resources and political influence while extending Iran’s primacy among its neighbors.....and that's precisely the ISRAELI Policy behind the policies of PNAC.....but the Americans are so stupid and Gullible beyond belief...they have failed so far to see the light of day....ever since 1948.
Like so much else that went wrong in Iraq, the post-war dynamic between Baghdad and Tehran should have been easy to foresee. Iran’s leaders cultivated enduring ties with all the significant Iraqi opposition groups over the course of their long adversarial relationship with Saddam Hussein. None of these groups could have been considered wholly-owned clients of the Islamic Republic, but their varying degrees of intimacy with and fealty toward Tehran almost universally surpassed their tactical cooperation with Washington in the run-up to the war and its aftermath. Moreover, as the only organized political forces in the post-war period, the Shia and Kurdish oppositionists were uniquely positioned to take advantage of the power vacuum, facilitated in no small part by retention of their militias.
American officials relied upon the expectation that the two countries’ nationalist identities would outweigh any sectarian cohesion, a conclusion supported by the experience of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. But the U.S. failed to anticipate that in post-war Iraq, sectarian and nationalist interests have been largely conflated for the newly-dominant Shia and Kurds, propelling their leaders to utilize the benefits of an alliance with Tehran to entrench their own positions. Moreover, the Bush Administration appears to overestimated the significance of ideology in framing Iran’s approach to the new Iraq, hoping that a heavy-handed effort to export the Islamic revolution would alienate Iraqis. Instead, Tehran has behaved far more prudently, opting to support a democratic framework that privileges Iran’s allies in Iraq. At the same time, Tehran has sought to increase the cost of a continued American presence in Iraq through support to insurgents, in order to maximize its own position within the country and leverage vis-à-vis Washington...
Iran’s strategic and financial investments in Iraq reflect the regime’s deeply-held conviction that Tehran has an existential interest in ensuring a friendly government in Baghdad, one that is no longer capable of threatening Iran directly or on behalf of the international community. For Iran’s post-revolutionary leaders and society, the 1980-88 war represents the single most influential formative experience, inculcating a persistent sense of strategic vulnerability and a willingness to do whatever necessary to ensure the survival of both the Iranian nation and the Islamic state. This worldview underlies Tehran’s assiduous and wide-ranging extension of influence in post-war Iraq.... and that's precisely the ISRAELI Policy behind the policies of PNAC.....but the Americans are so stupid and Gullible beyond belief...they have failed so far to see the light of day....ever since 1948.
As developments repeatedly refuted its initial assumptions about the dynamics between Iraq and Iran, the Bush Administration at first sought refuge in denial, absurdly predicting that each new carefully-orchestrated leadership transition in Iraq would generate more distance between Tehran and Baghdad. More recently, the Administration has moved more forcefully, seeking aggressively to obstruct Iranian support to militias and insurgents. These actions are necessary to ensuring greater security for American forces in Iraq, but ultimately the real means of protecting Iraq’s sovereignty from intrusive neighbors does not involve expanding U.S. presence and responsibility within the country. In the long term, Iraqi leaders will only begin to differentiate themselves from Tehran when they are forced to grapple independently with the painful alternatives of governing and assume greater responsibility for their country’s security...
In addition, the broader American strategy appears fated to repeat the sort of ill-informed misapprehensions that informed the Bush Administration’s initial steps in Iraq. In response to growing regional trepidations about Iran’s activities in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, Washington has endeavored to transform a strategic deficit into an advantage. The concept was catalyzed by the July 2006 war in Lebanon, which Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice characterized at the time as “the birth pangs of a new Middle East.” Rice was widely lambasted for her tin ear, but the rhetoric signaled the Administration’s decision to embark on building a new platform for America’s role in the region. Initiatives such as the Gulf Security Dialogue and GCC-plus-two discussions (Egypt and Jordan) were intended to capitalize on Sunni Arab concerns about the rising tide of Iranian influence to leverage a more assertive posture vis-à-vis Tehran in exchange for their support for a revived Arab-Israeli FAKE peace process.... for the sake of the never ending process.... and that's precisely the ISRAELI Policy behind the policies of PNAC.....but the Americans are so stupid and Gullible beyond belief...they have failed so far to see the light of day....ever since 1948 until this very day.
However, beyond routine exchange of pleasantries and a new stream of arms sales running into the tens of billions of dollars, it is unclear what these initiatives have actually accomplished. Shortly after its rejuvenation at Annapolis, the peace process quickly descended once again into violence, stalemated by the incapacity of both sides to undertake meaningful unilateral concessions. And despite their significant misgivings about Iran, the Arab states of the Persian Gulf have made clear – through a series of visits and high-level dialogue – that they will not form the bulwark of an anti-Iranian coalition, even as they privately urge Washington to resolve the Iran problem. For their part, Iran’s leaders have demonstrated some awareness of the need to maintain a constructive relationship with Riyadh and the Gulf states, dispatching envoys to Riyadh repeatedly over the past several years to assuage concerns over Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric and Iran’s escalating tensions with America..... Arab-Israeli FAKE peace process.... for the sake of the never ending process.... and that's precisely the ISRAELI Policy behind the policies of PNAC.....but the Americans are so stupid and Gullible beyond belief...they have failed so far to see the light of day....ever since 1948 until this very day.
As with all aspects of the Iraq dilemma, there are no magic bullets that will ameliorate the significant setbacks for U.S. interests inherent in the extension of Iran’s influence in Iraq. Five years into this endeavor, neither rhetoric nor alliance-building will enable Washington to reset the clock to 1948. We will have to utilize multiple instruments and approaches to contend with a newly ascendant Iran – containment, active deterrence, and even accommodation and engagement. Tehran has shrewdly exploited the opportunities presented by America’s stumbling in Iraq; the challenge for the next Administration will be to acknowledge the realities of regional dynamics and regain the strategic advantage......which Israel will always find ways to obstruct, obfuscate, derail and deviate from within the corridors of power in DC...since as always, "The Foxes are guarding the Chicken Coop" in Washington, Langley and the Pentagon....Arab-Israeli FAKE peace process.... for the sake of the never ending process.... and that's precisely the ISRAELI Policy behind the policies of PNAC.....but the Americans are so stupid and Gullible beyond belief...that they have utterly failed so far to see the light of day....ever since 1948 until this very day.
Suzanna Mal3oney, Senior Frata, Foreign disinformation Poop, Sha3ban Corner for Middle East Policy fixing for Israel's supremacy....
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