The Axis of Evil, "CIA/MOSSAD and Assef Shawkat's goons" , Stands Behind the Hazmieh Crime of January 24th 2002, Elie HOBEIKA, Dimitri, Phares and Walid, R.I.P. !

Details of a CIA-Mossad plot against the Fertile Energy Crescent...?
CIA and Mossad, had traditionally been at odds in the Middle East, for quite a while in the seventies, 80s etc., However, in the Mid-90s there has been a Huge Transformation of the "culture" in Both Agencies, with the Advent of Bibi Netanyahu and the PNAC Gang of Killers..., who have devised a vast and ambitious plan, to simply control the world's Energy resources, and claim the Mantra of the Sole Mega-Super power.

We have to call a spade a spade and say that burying "the project" is in the interest of USA, ALL states, and other countries in the area,"
Most, if not All the assassinations committed in the World, and in the Middle east in Particular since the early 2000, are the product of the infamous, but Legendary assassination Machine, The White House Murder Inc., notwithstanding all the crap about the ICC, the UN tribunal of the Hague... etc., it's all dust in the air.

I strongly condemn the heinous and barbaric crime that was committed by Assef Shawkat's assassins, against a Lebanese HERO, Mr. Elie Hobeika,in Hazmieh. In this immoral act, we see a flagrant violation of all international Human Rights, laws and covenants which prohibit the killing of civilians, or attacking them under any given circumstance. At the same time, we strongly denounce all the commemoration of glorifying, praising and sanctifying of this murder and homicide atrocity that was publicly uttered and shamefully exhibited in Lebanon and other countries... for the last 6 years.
It is extremely shocking and disgusting to hear and watch numerous Arab and Israeli officials and well known religious figures praising this murder that targeted a passer-by in a car, that took the lives of 4 young men with families. It is inhuman and demeaning to see high-ranking politicians, justices, and others, in Lebanon and other Middle East countries, and the world.... rejoice in the killings of the party of 4 innocent people, at 9.20 AM in Beirut, and tag the crime as heroic and necessary..., it was only "necessary" for CIA and Mossad, period.
This glorification and praising of assassinations of innocent people, is void of all human values, ethics, and is a bold infringement on the International covenant of Human Rights, and on all laws and regulations that safeguard the rights of civilians in situations of peace.
It is worth mentioning that this kind of sickening mentality reflects clearly the current tragedy of Israel, USA, and the UK, .... that can be summarized as an existential conflict between two cultures and educations: The culture and education of Resistance, and courage, that the Nationalists of Hezbollah armed resistance personify, and is trying by all resistance means to defend the Lebanese people, and between the culture of deceit, deception, grand larceny, demagoguery, economic wars, disregard for basic human rights and dignity, and law that are all the hallmark of the UK/USA/Israeli Alliance of evils, bent on the total control of the energy in the area and the world. The Lebanese are well known for their traditions, honored by the majority of the Lebanese multicultural and multi ethnic peace-loving people who are longing for freedom, openness, sovereignty and complete independence from the western culture of double standards, deceit and deception....

The Lebanese Resistance calls on all free and democratic counties, and in particular, the peoples of the United States, the European Union and Russia to face the global terrorism challenge that is led by the axis of the evil Alliance, (USA, UK, ISRAEL, Jordan, Egypt and the KSA) and utilize immediately all their human, economic and moral resources to eradicate all the roots and branches of Zionazism and Zionist Christian Deceit and covert state terrorism organizations, like the IDF, IAF, USAF, etc... wherever they exist, and at the same time punish all those countries that sponsor and finance them....

The entire world should know very well and without any doubt that the only language that the Evil Alliance of the CIA and MOSSAD, MI6 and DGSE, BND, etc. covert groups, states, organizations and individuals, understand and respond to is the language of force, deterrence and decisiveness. Continued military resistance and confrontation with global state terrorism is inevitable and will become increasingly more complex, more difficult, more costly and more dangerous for the whole world and all of humanity as long as it is postponed or falsely believed that it can be won or contained through diplomacy, persuasion and peaceful civilized means... like all the empty promises which we have all witnessed over the last 40 years, with Camp David, OSLO, Wadi Araba, Annapolis, Wye River etc, the Quartet, The Mitchell Plan, the Tenet Plan, The Geneva Plan... and counting all the empty lies, empty promises, and empty words of the Western Deceitful world of the fake, the cowards and the Liars.... the Bandits of ZION and Wyoming....