Gaza killings derail boycott plan by US allies ahead of Arab summit ...
BEIRUT, Lebanon - A rift over Lebanon will not hit attendance at an Arab summit in Syria this month, and a total boycott looks very unlikely given pressure on Arab governments to respond to violence in Gaza....which was completely fomented by Israel, precisely in order to help Syria overcome the objections of some Arab heads of State, to attend such summit.

Diplomats in the Middle East say they expect the leaders of heavyweights Saudi Arabia and Egypt as well as Jordan not to stay away from the March 29-30 Damascus summit even if Lebanon fails to elect a president before then.... and despite all odds Syria will be triumphant... thanks to Direct Israeli actions, designed and coordinated with Syria's central figure, the assassin in Chief Assef Shawkat.

Hence, any thoughts of a boycott have subsided, after large-scale Israeli-Palestinian violence erupted in Gaza. All three US allies are now expected to attend with heads of state, even without a solution in Lebanon....

Lebanon's ruling fake majority and the opposition are locked in a 16-month-old political deadlock that has left the country without a president since November 2007.

Arab League mediation has so far failed to break the impasse, because the Arab league is part and parcel of the Triad of US stooges, working in tune with Condi Rice's direct instructions at every turn in the negotiating process, which has forced the presidential election to be postponed 15 times since September 2007.

The United States and its Arab agents back the anti-Syrian majority coalition of the 14Hmars. Syria and Iran support the opposition, led by General Michel Aoun and a collection of smaller groups from all religions, AMAL and Hezbollah .
Washington and Riyadh say Syria is blocking the election of Lebanon's army chief General Michel Suleiman through its local allies. The opposition says it will allow the election only after it gets to share power according to the Lebanese constitution in the next government.
Diplomats and analysts say Saudi Arabia and its paid agents, want Syria to compromise over Lebanon in return for leaders to attend the Arab summit to avoid a fiasco for Damascus.... but Israel rushed in quickly to help its agents in Damascus, Assef Shawkat and Bushra, in order to "Pay Back" Assef Shawqat for the audacious assassination of Imad Moughniah in Damascus.... and many other valuable information....provided by Assef Shawkat to various Western Intelligence agencies, which has resulted in the capture of various "cells" in Europe, the Maghreb....and in Iraq.

"Damascus... has eagerly anticipated the event as an opportunity to showcase its importance to the region and mark an end to the country's regional political isolation " ...since it spearheaded the effort to Chair the Legendary White House Murder Inc. for more than 10 years....

"But as the summit approaches, Syria's opponents are using their attendance, or lack [of], to press Syria's President Bashar Al Assad to use his influence to push for a solution in Lebanon...." but Israel, some in Iran and the clique of Assef Shawkat and some factions in Iran... see it in a completely different way... and they seem to be prevailing so far....
Dilemma .... No Dilemma !

The diplomats said Washington was pressing its allies to stay away from the summit but events in Iraq and the Palestinian territories were pulling them in the opposite direction.... thanks to this very "timely action" on the part of the IDF and its killing machines...in Gaza.
"The Saudis are facing a real dilemma with this summit. The king is reluctant to go because of Lebanon, but there are also the killings in Gaza and Iran's charm offensive in Iraq," a Riyadh-based Western diplomat said, adding that he expected King Abdullah to attend personally this summit, which means a lot to him... since Assef Shawkat and Bandar Bin Sultan have been spearheading the covert efforts of the Saudis in Iraq, by financing most of the Jihadists in the Sunni Triangle... over 5 years, which eventually lead to the American acquiescence to the latest efforts to give them a say in the Iraqi government structure, The Sahwa being institutionalized... etc. and the calm which has prevailed since. All these actions have been coordinated directly by the Saudis with Syria's Military Intelligence, and the Syrians have made hundreds of Millions of USD from this effort, and now it is pay-back time for the King in Damascus, despite all the facade of verbal wars.... which really mean nothing in real terms, between Syrian and Saudi officials....except to distract and cajole the naive Lebanese stooges of the 14Hmars.... and keep some money flowing into the pockets of crooked paid agents.... that could not exist otherwise....
Syria, which says it will not sacrifice its strategic interests in Lebanon for the summit, has invited all Arab League members except - so far - Saudi Arabia and Lebanon... but this is also a Charade and a cacophony of words meant to confuse the Lebanese... and keep them blinded by their hate and their stupidity... in understanding what is really going on all around them... and since most politicians are paid agents of some sorts... nothing is to be taken for granted in this atrocious environment of deceit, deception and hypocrisy...

Syrian President Bashar Al Assad opposed a suggestion by Arab League chief Amr Mousa to postpone the summit.... because he knew what Israel was going to do in Gaza well in advance.... and he knew that it will have a compelling effect on the Arab Brotherly Love....