President Dick Cheney announced that he would be coming gang-Ho to the Middle East, with deep empty pockets....It's 1990 all over again for the bandits of Wyoming and Texas, the KILLERS and members of the Board of the infamous White House Murder Inc., charged with execution of the CIA2 assassinations Matrix of 2000....
A major conflict in the region appears imminent. Will the Arab regimes fall for the same ruse as they did in the past, asks FSB...

Some days ago, President Cheney announced that he would be coming gang-Ho with deep empty pockets...to the Middle East on a mission intended to affirm the US's commitment to the "war process" and to dictate policy on its stooges to reach a lasting century of wars onto the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, made in PNAC before the end of 2008. And indeed, Sunday before last, Dick Cheney appeared on a 10- day tour. Observers, of course, could not help but to be struck by the timing of this mission and, secondly, by the choice of the man to do it....

The "peace" mission that Bush announced coincides with the fifth anniversary of the US's illegal war on Iraq, that ongoing calamity that has so far claimed more than 1.2 million civilian lives, displaced over 4.7 million and catapulted a major Arab nation back to the Middle Ages. And to perform this mission Bush could find no one more suitable than a man whose name has become virtually a byword for American warmongering, assassinations, murder, corruption, disdain for human rights and dignity, has never shown the slightest interest in making peace, and wouldn't know how to make peace if you spelled it out for him. So it is not surprising that many observers smelled something fishy about the Cheney mission and wondered what prompted Bush to dispatch him in particular to the Middle East only days after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had completed a similar tour. Since it is particularly hard in this case to separate the mission from the man charged to perform it, it might be useful to take a closer look at him and his PNAC bandits, thugs and killers.
There is no denying Dick Cheney's extensive expertise in government and foreign and domestic politics. After graduating from university, he climbed the ladder of White House posts with most of the Republican administrations since the 1960s. For many years (1978-1989) he served as a congressional representative for Wyoming. Among the executive positions he held before becoming vice-president in 2000 was as secretary of state. In periods of Democratic administrations, he tried his luck in business with considerable success, earning no small fortune from some powerful managerial positions, not least of which was chairman of the board of directors of the giant multinational, Halliburton. In his spare time, he engaged in fundraising activities for such right-wing think tanks as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), in which his wife held executive positions.
In view of his considerable experience and expertise -- vast compared with Bush -- it is not all that surprising that, contrary to the history of White House customs and practices, he has been the effective president of the US since 2000. Unfortunately, all this experience and expertise is also associated with three very dangerous personality traits: a rabid and racist ultra-conservatism; a knee-jerk tendency to turn to violence, by way of the White House Murder Inc., starting in January 24th 2002, with Elliott Abrams as his liaison with MOSSAD, as a means for solving problems (in spite of a certain cowardice in his personal relations); and a flagrantly corrupt moral code.

The first trait is reflected in innumerable actions and positions. As congressional representative he voted, in 1979, against a bill to make Martin Luther King Day a national holiday. In 1986, he voted against a bill demanding the apartheid government of South Africa to release Nelson Mandela. He routinely voted against bills that provided for expanding federal educational and health services. Also, as noted above, since the mid-1980s, he has been very closely associated with the right-wing AEI, and, in 1997, he together with several other prominent neo-conservatives drafted the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), the document that later became the ground plan for the Bush administration's policies.

Evidence of Cheney's hawkishness is equally abundant. As secretary of defense he was highly instrumental in developing and expanding the scope and missions of NATO following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Warsaw Pact. In December 1989, he was the driving force behind the invasion of Panama and the arrest of its president, General Manuel Noriega, who was latter brought to trial and imprisoned in the US on charges of drug smuggling. He played a central role in all the violence that was meted out against Iraq since August 1990, from the war to liberate Kuwait, when he was secretary of defense under Bush Sr, through the embargo and sanctions, to the invasion of April 2003, after he had become vice-president under Bush Jr. He has been a prime force behind all the military actions undertaken by the US since 11 September 2001 beneath the rubric of the global war on terror, starting from the invasion of Afghanistan. Paradoxically, this man who has always been so gung-ho on recourse to military might and who was an ardent supporter of the war in Vietnam during his student days in university, managed to evade military service and likely deployment in Vietnam through four deferments as a student and then by securing a permanent exemption after marrying and having a child....
One does not have to look far to get a very clear idea of the Cheney "morality". He was closely involved in the Enron scandal and refused to disclose to Congress documents from the National Energy Policy Development Group of which he was a prominent member, citing immunity in his capacity as vice-president. His bureau director, Lewis Libby, was involved in the Valerie Plame case, the US intelligence agent whose identity was leaked in retaliation against her husband's refusal, when serving as US ambassador, to play along with the falsification of documents intended to prove that Saddam Hussein had purchased uranium from Niger. Obviously Cheney's bureau chief could hardly have acted on his own initiative when it came to something as grave as a national security leak, which means that he would have received at the very least a nudge and wink from his boss. As mentioned above, Cheney had served as chairman of the board of Halliburton. This Huston-based corporation has been at the forefront of several political controversies, not least was its illegal procurement of billions of dollars worth of contracts and concessions in Iraq. Again, suspicions homed in on Cheney as being instrumental in fixing these contracts, in exchange for sizeable amounts of money of course. US representative from Ohio Dennis Kucinich attempted to introduce three articles of impeachment against Cheney for attempting to defraud and deceive the American public. Although the impeachment drive failed, its implications regarding Cheney's character are inescapable.
How can a person of this moral caliber possibly play a constructive role in the service of peace in the Middle East? He can't, of course. Which begs the question, again, as to why Cheney was appointed (or appointed himself) to undertake this current Middle East mission and what the real purpose of the mission is. To answer this question, we must recall three important facts. First, Cheney was, as noted above, one of the architects of the PNAC. What he believes should be done in the Middle East, RUSSIA, ASIA, AFRICA, and beyond...therefore, is intrinsically connected to a vision for America's uncontested global hegemony. Second, he was one of the architects of the war on Iraq, which he believed and probably still believes is only a first step to redrawing the map of the Middle East in a manner conducive to the needs of US global dominance. Third, he is one of the few remaining people who believe that while the US enterprise in Iraq may be encountering some difficulties, it hasn't been defeated and can still hold out. Its ultimate victory, he thinks, rests on defeating the anti- American coalition in the region, spearheaded by elements/factions in Iran and including Syria, Hezbollah and the militant Palestinian resistance....

With the foregoing political mindset, Cheney's mission to the Middle East undoubtedly has direct bearing on stalled war negotiations, since Annapolis, between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). After all, Rice had just returned to Washington pessimistic about the prospect of bridging the gap between the two sides, and concerned about the Arabs' mounting skepticism towards US intentions. So, off Cheney heads to this region, aware that he has to irreconcilable opposites. On the one hand, he has Israeli intransigence that undermines Abbas and the "moderate" Arabs and strengthens the "extremist" coalition, which the US cannot tolerate; on the other he has the impossibility of pressuring Israel into making fundamental concessions, not only because this would not go over well in Israel but, perhaps, more importantly, it would not go over well in the US. But, since Cheney wants not so much to settle the Palestinian-Israeli conflict but to weaken that alliance of extremists preparatory to knocking them off the map, he will try to perform a miracle. Actually, this will consist of a series of conjuring tricks, which I imagine will be as follows.
First, he will persuade Israel how important it is to dismantle those "illegitimate" settlements and Israel's agreement to this will be accompanied by enormous media fanfare blazoning this great qualitative shift in Israel's commitment to its obligations that necessitates some reciprocation from the PA. Second, he will persuade the PA that its reciprocation should take the form of a major military operation, in coordination with Israel, to dismantle the infrastructure of the militant factions in the West Bank and to reassert control over Gaza. This campaign will be marketed as the indispensable step towards establishing the institutions of the forthcoming Palestinian state. Third, he will convince Washington's allies in the region that the two previous steps won't bear fruit without putting into effect plans for a military assault against Iran, or at the very least Syria and Hezbollah, because, he and the media will say, how can a Palestinian state be expected to live side-by-side with Israel in peace with such extremist regimes and organizations still hanging around?
If the foregoing analysis is correct, Cheney's mission is more about setting the scene for a new war than it is about a peace settlement before the end of 2008, regardless of what officials in Washington say and many analysts here imagine. The Bush administration knows that it has only a few more months left to take care of certain items of pending business in the Middle East and it is, therefore, pushing for major surgical intervention. And while this administration knows that the surgery is so risky that it might even lose the patient, its ideological mindset is so obsessed with international conflict theory that it is blinded to more practical, less costly and more humane alternatives. Also, to go for alternatives would mean that it would have to admit to having lost the war in Iraq, which, in turn, would compel it to make concessions to Iran on the Iranian nuclear issue, to Syria regarding the Golan Heights, to Hizbullah on the political equations in Lebanon, and to Hamas regarding the occupied territories. Since such concessions are not remotely conceivable to the members of the current administration in Washington, the chances are that it will risk all its remaining assets on a new adventure...., in the greater M.E. theater all the way to Pakistan and anything in between.....
The forthcoming months, therefore, will be some of the most fraught in the history of the world. One can only hope that the Arab regimes finally absorb the lessons of history and learn from their past mistakes. Then, maybe this time, they won't grab the cheese from the same trap they always fall for and that, now, is being laid with particular cunning..... of the PNAC thugs, the bandits of Wyoming and Texas, the KILLERS and members of the Board of the infamous White House Murder Inc., charged with execution of the CIA2 assassinations Matrix of 2000....