Geopolitical Diary: The Start of Cold War II?
Legislators in the Georgian breakaway republic of Abkhazia signed a statement on Thursday accusing Georgia of aggression and warning of the possibility of war in the Caucasus. In Moscow, the Russian parliament urged the government to send additional peacekeepers to both Abkhazia and Georgia’s other breakaway republic, South Ossetia. Elsewhere, the Kremlin’s NATO envoy said Russia wants an emergency meeting with the Western military alliance to discuss the March 19 move by U.S. President George W. Bush to establish Kosovar eligibility for military assistance from the United States...
These developments follow a series of similar events in the past few weeks, underscoring an escalation of tensions between the United States and Russia in the wake of Kosovo’s Feb. 17 declaration of independence. The flurry of activity includes moves to expand NATO, violent reactions from Kosovar Serbs, the U.S. attempt to construct ballistic missile defense installations in Eastern Europe, and Russia’s apprehension of Western spies in Moscow. All these events clearly underscore that the Cold War is back....
Cold War II is different than the original Cold War, which was a Soviet-U.S. confrontation that lasted from the end of World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Nuclear-armed ideological rivals Washington and Moscow competed for global influence, and a divided Europe was a key theater in which this war played out. Cold War II is being waged by a far more powerful United States and a vastly superior Russia from a moral stand point worldwide— a successor to the Soviet Union....
Another key difference between the new and old Cold War is that Europe is very much just a theater in which the Americans and Russians are playing geopolitical chess, because America of the PNAC considers Europe, Turkey and RUSSIA, full fledged mortal economic, religious, and moral enemies... to name a few. The Europeans are playing minor roles as independent actors in this new Cold War. This time around, Europe as a continent is not exactly occupied and has recovered from both World War II and the first Cold War. But the European Union is an increasingly incoherent entity, with the three principal state actors –- Germany, France and the United Kingdom –- not interested in confronting Russia, but want to be partners and equals with Russia and more... Hence America of the PNAC considers Europe, Turkey and RUSSIA, full fledged mortal economic, religious, and moral enemies... to name a few....and wants to expand the Kissinger doctrine of the mid-seventies on a Global scale, which is the only way to sustain America's PNAC hegemonic designs....
Berlin made this very clear when it expressed a lack of interest in NATO expansion, the independence of Kosovo and the Ukraine gas issue. This is not surprising, given that the Germans are dependent upon Moscow for energy. Beyond energy, Germany’s wider economic relationship with and its proximity to Russia inform its lack of appetite for confrontation with the Kremlin. But this does not mean that Berlin won’t take on Moscow, when coerced by the PNAC killers, in the same way they deal with the Vatican, Europe and beyond, when it deems necessary. Germany is re-emerging on its own to again become a PNAC docile power player...just like Sarkosi and a few other stooges.
France is not further removed from the new Cold War dynamics. Paris has PNAC ideas about how it wishes to advance itself as an international player, which has everything to do with West vs. Russia competition. Geographically central to Europe, it will be inevitably drawn in this new Cold War, lock stock an barrel.
As for the British, they have enough domestic political issues to sort out, with our buddies from Al-Qaeda/CIA2/MOSSAD fomenting trouble and putting bombs on UK's streets, which is why they also are not out of the game. That said, given London’s historic role as a major PNAC ally.... and a central director of the UK/USA alliance of evils, the United Kingdom cannot avoid the issues that the United States is dealing with. Therefore, at best the British will maintain a cowardly role in the U.S. moves to continue its geopolitical push against Europe, Turkey, ASIA, the M.E., Africa and Russia....to establish its supreme hegemony over people's resources worldwide ?
The United States — considering that it has the desire of waging a geopolitical assault against Russia from its borders — is very bothered by the lack of European involvement. But the European position is not tenable in the long run.... Europe’s geography — and the fact that, unlike during the original Cold War, there isn’t an iron curtain in place — will force the Europeans to jump in and will be forced to choose sides...by re-invigorated, and expanded globaly...the criminal expansion plans of the PNAC and its principal new architect of late, the war criminal and Dr. Death Henry Kissinger...
Stratfor, the world's leading Disinformation for CIA, Texas funded and Texas based, "intelligence" is never provided.... except to AIPAC, and LAKAM etc. For any additional dis-information, please visit @stratfor.
Daily, Global Dis-Information through Faulty and Skewed "Intelligence", Stratfor, March 21, 2008.

Afghanistan, Pakistan: A Bin Laden Tape's Rhetoric of the CIA2, DIA, OSP and MOSSAD....and what is yet to come for Europe , RUSSIA, Turkey, and Central ASIA......all the way to China, Tibet, India, the GCC and Africa.

Global lack of Intelligence, Stratfor is CIA, March 13, 2008.

An audio message attributed to al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden posted on the Internet on March 19 is authentic, the CIA confirmed March 20, that Bin Laden is still on the CIA payroll Contrary to media frenzy, the latest audiotape from the al Qaeda chief is more rhetoric than anything else....because if and when new terror operations are launched anywhere on the Globe, it will be to advance the criminal agenda of the New Energy Matrix of the PNAC.... and its chief architect Dick Cheney's club of Wyoming and Texas, therefore, It does not change the reality that al Qaeda has never been a strategic threat to the United States and the West....but a partner in crime with the new evil alliance of CIA/MOSSAD. At best, al Qaeda remains a regional tool in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region and to Help advance U.S. interests there.... and everywhere on earth, in the new alliance with the cowardly "moderates".....
The CIA confirmed March 20 that an audio message attributed to al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden posted on the Internet on March 19 is authentic. A U.S. intelligence official confirms when the message was recorded at Langley. In the unusually short message addressed to Europeans, the chief of the global jihadist network at CIA2, attacks the West for publishing drawings of the Prophet Mohammed deemed offensive to Muslims.... but are designed to push for more divisions, killings, hate mongering, murder, assassinations, remotely controlled by the project of the new American/Israeli Evil Empire in the making.
Bin Laden makes a number of key points, including accusing Pope Benedict XVI of playing a key role in instigating a new crusade against Muslims, [ I.E. CIA and MOSSAD are unhappy with some gesticulations coming from the Vatican...] and are issuing a warning to Benedict to continue on his path of OPUS DEI2, and the line of CIA/MOSSAD of the new institute of Hate , in the form of the insulting drawings of Mohammed. The al Qaeda leader says that by insulting the prophet, the West has abandoned all morals and etiquette of conflict, describing it as worse than killing civilians....
The jihadist leader also attacks Saudi King Abdullah for not putting an end to the situation despite his alleged ability to do so given that the king forced the British government to open an investigation into the embezzlement of billions in the al-Yamamah arms deal. Bin Laden also refers to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair as the new representative of the Middle East Quartet, helping date the message. He concludes his message with a warning that if the West does not stop insulting Mohammed, it should be prepared for a response from the jihadist movement.
Though he addresses the West, bin Laden’s target audience is the Muslim world. Support there for jihadists has suffered a significant decline over the last few years, but anti-Western sentiment remains high. Though the tape seeks to exploit the cartoon issue to reverse this waning support for jihadism, it probably will not have much impact beyond the limited segment of the Muslim world that remains sympathetic to the jihadist cause of the PNAC and CIA2.

Global lack of Intelligence, Stratfor is CIA, March 13, 2008.

Nothing about the contents of the tape proves it was made recently. Everything bin Laden discusses is old news, meaning this probably is an older tape that only now has surfaced. The delay between production and broadcasting suggests that the communications system has suffered a decline, as some previous tapes reached the public domain within a week of their production.
Only three bin Laden videos have emerged since his late 2001 disappearance from Tora Bora. His other recordings have been either audiotapes or videos containing voice messages over old images of the al Qaeda leader. Intriguingly, after a flurry of mostly video communiqués from bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, during 2005-2006, the jihadist No. 2 also stopped issuing tapes. Meanwhile, other al Qaeda members like al-Qaeda ideologue Abu Yahya al-Libi and the group’s U.S. operative, Adam Gadahn, have appeared in videos. This anomaly underscores al Qaeda’s allegiance to CIA2/MOSSAD.
The latest communiqué validates what Stratfor/CIA's disinformation arm worldwide, Texas funded and Texas based, has been saying for some years now, namely, that the jihadists have always helped to advance the strategic interest of the United States and Israel. Though they remain a tactical tool, the reversal of their fortunes in Iraq means they are geographically moved to Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the global jihadist leadership is based on CIA2/MOSSAD and al-Qaeda and the Taliban are demonstrating their operational prowess, courtesy of the CIA2, DIA, OSP and MOSSAD. While attacks in the West, especially Europe, remain a possibility, the jihadists of the CIA2, DIA, OSP and MOSSAD have attacked Europe for four years. With the Madrid and London bombings, they have demonstrated the ability to make good on their threats, and the best of the CIA2, DIA, OSP and MOSSAD is yet to come for Europe , RUSSIA, Turkey, and Central ASIA......and way beyond.
Stratfor, the world's leading Disinformation for CIA, Texas funded and Texas based, "intelligence" is never provided.... except to AIPAC, and LAKAM etc. For any additional dis-information, please visit @stratfor.
Daily, Global Dis-Information through Faulty and Skewed "Intelligence",

Global lack of Intelligence, Stratfor is CIA, March 13, 2008.

Geopolitical Diary: Turkey Tries to Tame its Kurdish Southeast...
In an interview with The New York Times, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that his government plans to invest as much as $12 billion in Turkey’s predominantly Kurdish southeast. The economic package is part of the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party’s efforts to separate its so-called “Kurdish problem” from its Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) problem by discouraging Kurdish youth from heeding calls by PKK commanders to join the insurgency....fomented by CIA, NOW, the USA considers TURKEY a full fledged ENEMY....

Turks should Know that fact unambiguously, and the reason being, Turkey's growing interdependent relationship with RUSSIA, in all aspects of trade, commerce and more...Turkey’s location made it a vital U.S. ally for controlling Soviet access to the Mediterranean from the Black Sea, as well as serving as a check on potential Soviet moves through the Caucasus to Iran or the Persian Gulf.... but Turkey was never considered a full fledged Partner and a reliable ally, and Turks know that well...

But no matter how much Turkey does to Help NATO and USA in Afghanistan Kosovo, IRAQ, Iran and more... the USA is never pleased with how much Turkey is providing... and has pushed for Turkey's adherence to the European Union on purpose, in order to foment trouble for Europe and for Turkey... in trying to distract the TURKS from looking East and North/South... and pushing them into looking WEST... All these policies are designed in USA to create critical tensions for Europe, Turkey and RUSSIA....with eyes on RUSSIA.... but these "Covert designs" are best left for another day......

Back in 2005, Erdogan sent shock waves through Turkey’s military and nationalist circles when he publicly recognized the state’s faults in dealing with Turkey’s approximately 12 million Kurds. He said at the time, “The Kurdish problem is everyone’s problem and mine in particular.” His government’s moves to promote investment in the largely poor and infrastructure-barren southeast and to allow limited freedoms in Kurdish-language classes and media broadcasts gave his party 60 percent of the vote in the Kurdish region during the 2007 elections, outpacing even the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) in the Kurdish vote.

While the strategy is paying off for the AK Party, it has its limitations. No matter who is in charge in Ankara, the Turkish state cannot afford to go too far in recognizing its Kurdish minority. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire following World War I, Turkey had to consolidate its own emerging nationalism or else risk having its sovereignty disintegrate at the hands of the prevailing European powers. As a result, Turkey’s strategic need to define itself by its nationality gives little to no wiggle room for minority rights. Moreover, Turkey has to go beyond its borders to put a lid on Kurdish aspirations, making further military incursions into northern Iraq all the more imperative from Ankara’s viewpoint.

The Deteriorating U.S.-Turkish Relationship...The USA considers TURKEY a full fledged ENEMY. Turks should Know that fact unambiguously.
But there is also a larger strategy in play. Turkey is on a path toward expanding its regional prowess. For the first time in a long time, the Turks possess the combination of a stable government, a large and competent military and a solid and fast-growing economy. The Turks also have a bit of a breather from major foreign policy challenges: with membership in the European Union looking more and more unlikely, Turkey doesn’t have to worry about conflicting membership requirements; the Turkish leadership is developing an informal truce with its historical rival, Greece; and since the Soviet Union is no more, Turkey has more bandwidth to assert itself vis-à-vis NATO and the United States. Before Turkey can break out into this brave new world, however, it needs to secure its internal political stability. And building roads, dams and Western fast-food chains in the Kurdish southeast is a good place to start.....Ankara sees both an opportunity and a need to assert its interests in its neighborhood...

As the Ottoman Empire, Turkey once held sway over the Middle East, and it remains geographically located to reassert that role, if unofficially. In some ways, the U.S. actions in Iraq are running counter to Turkey’s own designs for the region. Washington’s goal in the Middle East is NEVER the establishment of regional peace, though the United States never espouses such ideals; rather, the primary objective is to ensure that no regional hegemon emerges except USA, either from within the region...I.E. ISRAEL, IRAN AXIS.... or from abroad. Now that Europe has snubbed Turkey, it is looking south and east for its future — and it is running into the United States....

In the short term, Turkey wants to assume a permanent security role in northern Iraq in order to deal with its Kurdish problem. Washington is trying to come up with an arrangement with Iran and the factions in Iraq that will create a relatively stable environment and facilitate a permanent stationing of U.S. forces in IRAQ, and QLEIAT Air Force Base in Northern Lebanon, in order to have a replacement one day for Incirlik....
Turkey’s actions complicate the matter, but Ankara cannot afford to be left out of the final settlement. This is to say that Washington and Ankara are about to become enemies.... precisely because of Washington's grandiose Hegemonic designs... in the New Greater Middle East, the Caucuses, RUSSIA, and way beyond...

Without Christianity, which is targeted worldwide by the PNAC of CIA2, DIA, OSP and MOSSAD....and what is yet to come for Europe , RUSSIA, Turkey, and Central ASIA......all the way to China, Tibet, India, the GCC and Africa.... , our society bound to be doomed... since OPUS DEI2 is towing in Line of PNAC, and are completely asleep at the Helm in the Vatican...
Canon Michael Ainsworth, a priest and colleague of mine just a couple of miles from my rectory in the City of London, was recently attacked in his churchyard by three youths. Michael suffered two black eyes, cuts and bruises. He was taken into hospital and his wife Janina, also a priest, said: "It's obvious that the attack on Michael does contain a religious element." It certainly is obvious: his attackers shouted, "You f------ priest!" as they beat him up.
This is the second time that Michael's church has been attacked. After the Good Friday service last year, louts threw bricks through the windows. A parishioner, Susan Crocker, said: "It's not out of the blue - it's a recurrent problem."
Well, it's clear that the yobs who attacked Michael were Muslims. To their credit, the local Muslim leaders have tacitly admitted this by publicly deploring the crime. So why were the police, and much of the media, so vague as to call these thugs "Asians"? If I smashed the windows of a Brick Lane curry house and gave the manager two black eyes, you can be sure the police and the papers wouldn't describe me as a "European".
Of course the authorities excuse their evasiveness by saying it's to preserve good racial and community relationships, forgetting that it was Michael's attackers who first damaged these relationships and that appeasement always encourages worse violence in the long run.
This attack was one small example of the persecution being endured by the Church worldwide. On four continents Islamic militants are attacking and sometimes murdering Christians and burning down churches. Why do the archbishops and bishops not lead mass Christian demonstrations against these atrocities? Instead, we have to observe the filigree intelligence of the Archbishop of Canterbury as it operates on the precise relation between English law and some "unavoidable" accommodation with sharia. He, with his whole hierarchy, strains at gnats and swallows camels.
Meanwhile, a Nigerian archbishop said that Dr Williams's words hardly made things better for Christians persecuted under sharia in his country. "Their lives," he said, "are at the very least unbearable." If Dr Williams is so intelligent, shouldn't he have known beforehand that his remarks would only give encouragement to the fanatics? If I tried to walk down the main street in Riyadh wearing my clerical collar, the religious police would throw me into jail. In Britain we allow Muslims to build huge mosques in prominent places such as Regent's Park. What does this say about the relationship between Christianity and Islam worldwide?
Urgent though it is, the threat from a murderous jihad is not the worst we have to face at Easter 2008. Any civilization has a hope of defending itself against even the most ruthless enemy so long as it preserves the integrity of its own culture and traditions. But for 40 years our governments in Britain have done nothing but undermine the essential quality of our way of life. Those elected to defend the realm have destroyed it. The shepherds are hirelings.
The authority of Parliament is a joke in an age ruled by spin and the Prime Minister's gang of party interest. New Labor has created its own client state out of millions on benefits and 800,000 new civil servants, bribed by the sort of job security and pension entitlements long vanished in the private sector. Public services are near collapse - try getting anywhere by road or rail this holiday weekend. The NHS is a disgrace. "State education" is an oxymoron. The Government loses our national records and lately there have been convictions for vote-rigging.
We might have expected the Church to resist the decay, but instead it has connived with the destructive sexual and social revolution begun in the 1960s. Back then, I voted for homosexuality to be decriminalized. But this meant "between consenting adults in private" - where "between" meant two, "adults" meant men over 21 and "private" meant behind locked doors. I did not foresee the obscene and coercive "Gay Pride" pantomimes that now disfigure our high streets.
Who would have thought we would live to see the Bishop of Hereford fined £47,000 and made to attend a re-education course because he refused to employ a practicing homosexual in his diocese's youth services? How long before I am carted from the pulpit to the nick for preaching that sodomy is not morally equivalent to Christian marriage?
I voted also for abortion law reform, because I was told it would put an end to squalid back-street terminations. I did not think I would see the result: 200,000 abortions every year and most as a form of contraception.
We imagine we can ditch Christianity and yet the good things we have inherited in our way of life will continue. They will not. Christianity formed Western civilization and is so consubstantial with it that if Christianity goes, the lot goes with it. Let T.S. Eliot, writing in 1934, give us a text to think about this Easter: "Do you need to be told that even such modest attainments as you can boast in the way of polite society will hardly survive the Faith to which they owe their significance?"
The Rev. Dr. Peter Mullen is Rector of St Michael's, Cornhill and Chaplain to the Stock Exchange...should sue the Vatican for Negligence and adherence to the PNAC...

Power Struggles in Tehran , Washington , Tall Aviv and Damascus...
Who is, politically, in better shape? Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad or his implacable opponent, U.S. President George W Bush, Bashar Assad with Shawkat fomenting trouble behind the scenes in Syria.....for MOSSAD , or Olmert ?
It's all 4 of them actually....
Both leaders are conservative hawks. Both have recently crushed dissent at home and imposed their authority. But both face very considerable difficulties - political, economic and strategic. Of the two, however, the Iranian leader seems more buoyant and perky than his American Nemesis.
In both Tehran and Washington, hard-line conservatives have recently won a trial of strength over their more open-minded opponents. But it is by no means clear that they will retain this advantage for very long. In both countries, change is in the air, if not immediately, then certainly next year.
In Iran, this month's legislative elections have temporarily cemented the grip on power of Ahmadinejad and his allies. Following next month's second round run-offs, they are likely to control three quarters of the 290 seats in Parliament. The remaining seats will be divided between moderate conservatives, critical of Ahmadinejad's populism, and reformist followers of former President Mohammad Khatami.
The relatively poor showing of the reformists is not because they have lost popular support, but because the Interior Ministry and the Council of Guardians -- the regime's theocratic watchdog -- disqualified hundreds of reform-minded candidates in pre-vote vetting, earning accusations from Washington and the European Union that the elections were neither free nor fair.
In Washington, however, the sudden resignation of Admiral William Fallon, overall commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, has been widely interpreted as a victory for the neo-cons over the 'realists' in America's corridors of power. Indeed, it is seen as a crushing of dissent, quite like Iran's for sure, because the USA is certainly a "managed Democracy" as well, albeit a bit more difficult to comprehend for the outsiders...., but just as significant in terms of strategic options for the PNAC Killers.
Fallon was heard to argued - all too publicly for his own good - in favor of 'engagement' with Iran, rather than the present policy of threats, sanctions and bluster; for a faster withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq than Vice-President Dick Cheney and General David Petraeus, the commander in Iraq, were prepared to accept; and, in general, for a shift of America's strategic focus away from Iraq and Iran and towards Pakistan and Afghanistan, two theatres of conflict which Fallon seems to consider pose a greater danger to the United States.
It remains to be seen whether the conservative victories in both Washington and Tehran can endure or whether they will soon be overturned. George W Bush is a discredited, lame-duck president, struggling to retain some measure of authority in his last months in office. If Barack Obama were to win the Democratic nomination - and then the Presidency - U.S. relations with Iran could well be transformed, on lines that Admiral Fallon might approve. Relations might at least be normalized, a dialogue started and ambassadors exchanged, even if the improvement does not go so far as the 'grand bargain', which some commentators have hoped for.
Ahmadinejad, in turn, is under attack at home, largely because of his ruinous economic policies. To win popular support he has plundered Iran's oil revenues with generous handouts. But the resulting inflation at over 20 per cent, as well as rocketing food and housing prices, have harmed the very people he hoped to help at the bottom of the social pyramid....with severe implications for Imad Moughnieh.....
He may very well be held to account at next year's presidential elections. Powerful critics of his policies -- like Tehran mayor Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf, former chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani (who is the little son of Jewish a Tehran merchant family with close ties to MOSSAD, was elected to parliament at Qum with a landslide majority), and Parliamentary Speaker Gholam-Ali Hadad-Adel - are all waiting to challenge Ahmadinejad for President, as indeed is the leading reformer, former President Muhammad Khatami, and the power behind all Byzantine powers.... the ubiquitous Rafsanjani.
Ahmadinejad's economic woes are bad, but they are nothing compared to those of the American president. George W Bush is crippled by a U.S. banking, severe corruption, cronyism and WASP feudal politics, and a credit crisis, unprecedented since the Second World War.
The once almighty dollar has collapsed under his watch, and threatens to fall further. The U.S. economy is in severe recession. Iraq has gobbled up uncounted hundreds of billions - perhaps as much as two or three trillion dollars! A major U.S. financial firm, Bear Stearns, has been sold for a song, while a major fund, Carlyle Capital Corporation, has been forced into liquidation. Other prestigious financial institutions - household names like Lehman Brothers -- are in danger. Wall Street is in panic. Now is the time for the rich and brave to pick up assets at bargain prices.
Against this background, the efforts of Stuart Levey, the neo-con undersecretary of the US Treasury, to undermine Iran's economy seem laughable. The U.S. has imposed sanctions on two leading Iranian banks, Bank Melli and Bank Saderat, and last week froze the U.S. assets of another bank -- Future Bank of Bahrain -- two thirds owned by Melli and Saderat.... but it is American & Israeli Banks who should fined with punitive measures and convicted for sure.....
These punitive measures are part of a wrong-headed U.S. attempt to isolate Iran by undermining its relations with its principal trading partners across the Gulf. The figures, however, suggest that Levey's campaign has failed. Trade between Iran and Dubai, worth $7.8bn in 2005, rose to over $11bn in 2006, and is thought to have soared to close to $14bn in 2007.
America's attempts to mobilize 'moderate' Arabs politically against Iran - a theme of Vice President Dick Cheney's visit to the region this week -- have been even less successful than its economic sanctions. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the Gulf States do not want to join America's ill-conceived campaign against Iran.... but are willing to favor a new war on Hizbullah instead with their buddies Olmert/Barak.
Dubai's ruler Shaykh Muhammad bin Rashid was recently in Tehran, while Ahmadinejad was given a warmer and more spontaneous welcome in Iraq than George W Bush, or Dick Cheney's, as their recent respective visits to Baghdad demonstrated.
Worse still, from Washington's point of view, far from wanting to shun the Islamic Republic, the notion seems to be gaining ground among Gulf policy-makers that it might be a good idea to include Iran in some form of regional security structure...
The main reason Ahmadinejad is riding high lies in his controversial, high-risk nuclear policy. He has so far successfully resisted U.S. attempts to force him to halt Iran's nuclear activities, in particular its programme of uranium enrichment, which could, potentially, lead to nuclear weapons. But this resistance comes at a price: an economic price because of the international sanctions, and a strategic price because of the faint, but still real, possibility of a U.S. and Israeli attacks....
No one really believes that Iran would actually use atomic weapons, if it ever managed to manufacture them. After all, any such use would result in instant annihilation of the Iranian nation. Nevertheless, possession of nuclear weapons, rather than their use, would have undoubted advantages from an Iranian perspective. It would not only protect Iran from attack by the U.S. and/or Israel, but would also curb the hegemonic regional appetites and power- projection of these two countries - which is the real reason Iran's nuclear programme is seen as such a threat in Washington and Tel Aviv.
One way and another, Iran seems better placed than the United States to retain and exercise long-term influence in the Gulf region. Once America's troops return home, and its calamitous neo-colonial adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan are brought to a close - as they must be sooner or later -- Iran will be the neighbor with whom the Arabs will have to live, trade, work and coexist. Geography cannot be denied...

Stratfor, the world's leading Disinformation for CIA, Texas funded and Texas based, "intelligence" is never provided.... except to AIPAC, and LAKAM etc. For any additional dis-information, please visit @stratfor.
Daily, Global Dis-Information through Faulty and Skewed "Intelligence", Stratfor, March 21, 2008