Global lack of Intelligence, Stratfor is CIA, March 13, 2008.

Geopolitical Diary: Turkey Tries to Tame its Kurdish Southeast...
The Seeds of Superb Turkish Resilience...
In an interview with The New York Times, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that his government plans to invest as much as $12 billion in Turkey’s predominantly Kurdish southeast. The economic package is part of the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party’s efforts to separate its so-called “Kurdish problem” from its Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) problem by discouraging Kurdish youth from heeding calls by PKK commanders to join the insurgency....fomented by CIA, NOW, the USA considers TURKEY a full fledged ENEMY.

Turks should Know that fact unambiguously, and the reason being, Turkey's growing interdependent relationship with RUSSIA, in all aspects of trade, commerce and more...Turkey’s location made it a vital U.S. ally for controlling Soviet access to the Mediterranean from the Black Sea, as well as serving as a check on potential Soviet moves through the Caucasus to Iran or the Persian Gulf.... but Turkey was never considered a full fledged Partner and a reliable ally, and Turks know that well...

But no matter how much Turkey does to Help NATO and USA in Afghanistan Kosovo, IRAQ, Iran and more... the USA is never pleased with how much Turkey is providing... and has pushed for Turkey's adherence to the European Union on purpose, in order to foment trouble for Europe and for Turkey... in trying to distract the TURKS from looking East and North/South... and pushing them into looking WEST... All these policies are designed in USA to create critical tensions for Europe, Turkey and RUSSIA....with eyes on RUSSIA.... but these "Covert designs" are best left for another day......

Back in 2005, Erdogan sent shock waves through Turkey’s military and nationalist circles when he publicly recognized the state’s faults in dealing with Turkey’s approximately 12 million Kurds. He said at the time, “The Kurdish problem is everyone’s problem and mine in particular.” His government’s moves to promote investment in the largely poor and infrastructure-barren southeast and to allow limited freedoms in Kurdish-language classes and media broadcasts gave his party 60 percent of the vote in the Kurdish region during the 2007 elections, outpacing even the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) in the Kurdish vote.

While the strategy is paying off for the AK Party, it has its limitations. No matter who is in charge in Ankara, the Turkish state cannot afford to go too far in recognizing its Kurdish minority. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire following World War I, Turkey had to consolidate its own emerging nationalism or else risk having its sovereignty disintegrate at the hands of the prevailing European powers. As a result, Turkey’s strategic need to define itself by its nationality gives little to no wiggle room for minority rights. Moreover, Turkey has to go beyond its borders to put a lid on Kurdish aspirations, making further military incursions into northern Iraq all the more imperative from Ankara’s viewpoint.

The Deteriorating U.S.-Turkish Relationship...The USA considers TURKEY a full fledged ENEMY. Turks should Know that fact unambiguously.
But there is also a larger strategy in play. Turkey is on a path toward expanding its regional prowess. For the first time in a long time, the Turks possess the combination of a stable government, a large and competent military and a solid and fast-growing economy. The Turks also have a bit of a breather from major foreign policy challenges: with membership in the European Union looking more and more unlikely, Turkey doesn’t have to worry about conflicting membership requirements; the Turkish leadership is developing an informal truce with its historical rival, Greece; and since the Soviet Union is no more, Turkey has more bandwidth to assert itself vis-à-vis NATO and the United States. Before Turkey can break out into this brave new world, however, it needs to secure its internal political stability. And building roads, dams and Western fast-food chains in the Kurdish southeast is a good place to start.....Ankara sees both an opportunity and a need to assert its interests in its neighborhood...

As the Ottoman Empire, Turkey once held sway over the Middle East, and it remains geographically located to reassert that role, if unofficially. In some ways, the U.S. actions in Iraq are running counter to Turkey’s own designs for the region. Washington’s goal in the Middle East is NEVER the establishment of regional peace, though the United States never espouses such ideals; rather, the primary objective is to ensure that no regional hegemon emerges except USA, either from within the region...I.E. ISRAEL, IRAN AXIS.... or from abroad. Now that Europe has snubbed Turkey, it is looking south and east for its future — and it is running into the United States....

In the short term, Turkey wants to assume a permanent security role in northern Iraq in order to deal with its Kurdish problem. Washington is trying to come up with an arrangement with Iran and the factions in Iraq that will create a relatively stable environment and facilitate a permanent stationing of U.S. forces in IRAQ, and QLEIAT Air Force Base in Northern Lebanon, in order to have a replacement one day for Incirlik....
Turkey’s actions complicate the matter, but Ankara cannot afford to be left out of the final settlement. This is to say that Washington and Ankara are about to become enemies.... precisely because of Washington's grandiose Hegemonic designs... in the New Greater Middle East, the Caucuses, RUSSIA, and way beyond...

Stratfor, the world's leading Disinformation for CIA, Texas funded and Texas based, "intelligence" is never provided.... except to AIPAC, and LAKAM etc. For any additional dis-information, please visit @stratfor.
Daily, Global Dis-Information through Faulty and Skewed "Intelligence", Stratfor, March 13th, 2008