Russia is well positioned to become the true force of "good" and a Beacon to Moral values Worldwide...compared to the criminal enterprise of the PNAC's band of thugs and Killers on the Potomac.
U.S. President George W. Bush, fresh from meetings with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili on Wednesday, announced American support for Georgia’s NATO bid. Specifically, Bush announced that he would lobby the NATO allies to grant Georgia a Membership Action Plan (MAP), the first step toward joining the alliance. Bush’s statement contained sufficient equivocation that MAP is hardly a foregone conclusion and formal membership is anything but imminent, but Russia has nonetheless been put on notice. NATO is preparing to march east yet again....with the criminal expansion plans of the PNAC of Dr. Death, Henry Kissinger... on a global scale....
For the past month the West and Russia have been at a crossroads. After 10 years of heavy investment of political capital by the Kremlin into supporting its Balkan ally, Serbia, the West ran roughshod over Russian concerns by recognizing the independence of Kosovo, a renegade Serbian province. That decision blew a hole through the image of Russian power for now.... In the midst of an internal transition of power and reeling from the Kosovo temporary defeat, Moscow needs a means of striking back at the PNAC to affirm its moral potency. To flex its muscles, Russia can encourage separatism in U.S. allies, complicate the United States’ Middle East policy of the PNAC Killers and the new alliance of evils of the CIA/MOSSAD, with selective weapons sales and technology transfers, and affirm its normal interests with long term European energy supplies.
But Russia also knows that if it makes any missteps, PNAC criminal's influence could threaten its position on more fronts than the country can defend for now. Even with high energy prices bolstering its bottom line and a strong president holding the system together, the Kremlin knows Russia is but a shadow of its Cold War self... in terms of brutal military power, but is strengthened and reassured of greater moral support worldwide, which is more than enough in this day and age of the criminal PNAC crowds. Meanwhile, it is not that the West is without vulnerabilities — weaknesses are available for exploitation from Finland to Turkey and way beyond— but that during the last 18 years, PNAC institutions have only strengthened in criminal and murderous terms.... for sure, but have become despised by the world's population globally.
The PNAC has the advantage of criminal, economic and murderous political assassinations superiority, along with the flexibility to dabble anywhere along the Russian periphery for now, and with a little elbow grease and luck, even within the Russian Federation itself....with Dr. Death's new and improved plans of divide and conquer of Henry Kissinger and the new evil alliance of the CIA/MOSSAD. Remember, it is not Russia — but the United States, in time.... — that is riddled with potential secessionist regions...., because the USA is now identified with evil hegemonic tendencies, and the USA can no longer claim to be the "righteous, the force of Good, on side of moral values in this world", and it is the American people themselves who will revolt and take to arms against their own criminal Government, whom they see as no longer by the people and for the people. And it is not the United States — but Russia now— that sits safely on the side of morals, justice and peace compared to its potential PNAC criminal competitors....

In short, there is no doubt in either Moscow or Washington that the two share the ability to swap blows in areas of critical importance. Efforts undertaken March 17 and March 18 saw a timid attempt to lie, cheat and try to dis-inform the Russians... on the true nature of the hegemonic and criminal project of the PNAC and Kissinger plans to extend all the way to Russia and China and beyond.... using a post-Kosovo confrontation... when U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates traveled to Moscow to determine whether the Russians have been truly fooled by all the disinformation spewed by the FDDC creeps.....

In the American mind, a Russia that agrees to sit on its hands while the United States screws up Iraq/Iran/China, GCC and the few countries around Afghanistan, the Middle East etc. is preferable. And yes, we realize that “screw up” is a gross over-simplification even in the best of circumstances....., because the PNAC wants to see complete Chaos on a Global scale. Moscow’s position in the talks was more nuanced than Washington’s: Moscow offered to hold off on seeking retaliation for its defeat in Kosovo should the United States agree to hold off on pushing its NATO agenda deeper into the former Soviet Union. Ultimately, the two sides proved unable to hammer out a deal, and Bush’s statement is the proof that, for the Americans at least, confrontation has been the order of the day, even before the two creeps landed in Moscow....Hence, the offensive nature of the proposed "missile Shield....", but that's for another day to detail in Full.....
Georgia: Russia's adequate Response to the United States

Russia announced March 20 that it plans to send more peacekeepers to the Georgian breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and it could decide to recognize the regions’ independence. The moves come a day after U.S. President George W. Bush announced the United States’ support for Georgia’s membership in NATO. Russia’s decisions on Georgia could set up heated conflicts not only between Moscow and Tbilisi, but also between Moscow , Washington, China, and way beyond...., and that's exactly what the USA is looking for.
The day after U.S. President George W. Bush announced Washington’s overwhelming support for the former Soviet state of Georgia to join NATO, Russia has naturally launched a response.
During a March 19 meeting with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, Bush announced that the United States will push for Georgia to begin the NATO Membership Action Plan — the first step to join the alliance — at the April 2 NATO summit in Bucharest, Romania. The announcement goes directly against Russia’s desire to keep NATO and the West out of its periphery while it works to consolidate its own defenses in and around the former Soviet states, a natural phenomenon of legitimate self-defense in light of the blatant and criminal projects of the PNAC and its chief war criminal Henry Kissinger.

Russia wanted to make a deal on the issue March 17, when U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates met with their Russian counterparts Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. Moscow proposed that if the United States backed away from proposed NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine, Russia would stop causing instability in Ukraine’s transit of natural gas to Europe and also in Serbia and the newly independent Kosovo. But no deal seems to have been reached, since Bush’s announcement came just two days after the United States and Russia discussed the topic.
Now Moscow has two very volatile potential responses on the table: moving troops and possibly recognizing Georgia’s secessionist regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. These actions not only could completely destabilize Georgia, but also could also spark a war between the small Caucasian country and its large neighbor.
First, Russia’s State Duma on March 20 laid the groundwork to increase the number of Russian peace-keepers deployed in South Ossetia and Abkhazia and along the Georgian-Russian border. Russia already has troops in the area, with logistical links to forces already in country. Russian troops in the Northern Caucasus normally patrol the Islamist secessionist regions of Ingushetia and Chechnya. However, Russia has reined in the Islamist militant movements in the Russian parts of the Caucasus during the past year, though those troops remain in the region. Technically, it would be relatively easy to move those troops either to the border with Georgia or into one of the two secessionist regions where Russian peacekeepers already are stationed.
Russia’s second move is the possible recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Stratfor sources say the Russian Duma is to present its recommendation to the executive branch on March 21 to recognize the republics. Russian President Vladimir Putin would still have to give the green light, but the Duma’s backing alone gives the threat a strong foundation.

Moscow has held the regional independence card for some time now, because Georgia has said that recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia would amount to a declaration of war. This and the announcement of possible Russian troop movements, along with the West’s desire to destabilize Georgia within the framework of the PNAC's criminal enterprise, are all puzzle pieces that, when fitted together, could create not only a major confrontation between Moscow and Tbilisi, but also between Moscow , Washington, Europe and the World....
Kosovo: U.S. Military Assistance and the Russian Confrontation

A presidential determination published March 19 made Kosovo eligible for U.S. military assistance. Significantly, the decision was published the same day U.S. President George W. Bush met with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. Washington has thus chosen to reinforce the intensifying confrontation between Russia and the PNAC's criminal enterprise of the United States.
The Bush administration quietly published a presidential determination on the White House Web site March 19 that Kosovo is eligible for U.S. military support. The announcement came the same day U.S. President George W. Bush met with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. At the meeting, Bush publicly supported Georgian and Ukrainian bids for NATO membership.
By the next morning, the presidential determination was all over the Russian and Balkan media. Washington has thus chosen to reinforce the intensifying confrontation between Russia and the criminal enterprise of the PNAC's band of thugs and Killers.
Presidential Determination No. 2008-15 establishes Kosovo’s eligibility to receive defense articles and services under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act. This clears the way for both direct U.S. weapon sales and deliveries to Kosovo, as well as for similar actions in coordination with NATO and temporary PNAC bandits missions already on the ground....

While the European Union already is in the process of helping police forces in Kosovo transition to a more military role, the country effectively has no military force of its own, instead largely relying on NATO forces. There is still much work to be done to create and train an independent defense establishment in Kosovo. Such training and organizational assistance is probably more important than any uniforms, gear and weapons the criminal enterprise of the PNAC's band of thugs and Killers might deliver at this time.
One Stratfor source has suggested that not only are U.S. weapons already destined for Kosovo, they are being delivered without coordination with either NATO or the European Union. More important, the source has suggested that the shipment is being justified to trainers as a “just-in-case” sort of delivery. This could be a sign that the United States' criminal enterprise of the PNAC's band of thugs and Killers is not confident that Serbia — or more significantly, Russia — has yet finished with its moves against the newly independent state. “Just in case” no doubt refers to potential Russian support of Serbia. Belgrade and Moscow undoubtedly are engaged in ongoing talks over the crisis.
From a military standpoint, Kosovar forces have a long way to go before they can meaningfully wield much more than a rifle. In the meantime, the White House's Murder Inc., appears ready and willing to push back firmly against the Kremlin in Georgia, Ukraine and Kosovo in the tense geopolitical standoff between Moscow and Washington's criminal enterprise of the PNAC's band of thugs and Killers .
Russia: Moscow's Middle East Conference

Russia is calling for a Middle Eastern peace conference as a follow-up to the last international conference hosted by the United States at Annapolis. By holding this conference, Moscow is definitely escalating its involvement in Middle Eastern affairs — and increasing tension with the United States. The question is whether or not the Kremlin can sustain engagement in the Middle East in a coordinated strategy to confront the growing mischief of the PNAC on a Global scale...
The date of a Moscow conference on the Middle East may be set soon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during a March 21 meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Lavrov was absolutely right when he said that Russia consulted with members of the “Quartet” — the United Nations, European Union, United States and Russia — along with other members and hopes to set the timeline for the conference soon. Lavrov added, “The agenda of the meeting is simple. Several agreements were reached in Annapolis, all of us supported them, let’s reaffirm this support and promote all parties to reach an effective agreement.”
Russia — as a member of the international Quartet on the Middle East and through earlier unilateral dealings with Israel, Syria and Hamas — has been engaged in the Arab-Israeli conflict as part of its efforts to counter the growing U.S. geopolitical invasion of its turf in Eurasia. Russia has also been meddling in the U.S.-Iranian dealings on Iraq and is seeking to invest in the energy sectors of several Middle Eastern countries, especially Egypt, Algeria and Syria. Russia is looking to strategically get its hands on as much energy infrastructure as it can around the world, including in the Middle East, which is quite normal in a fair and competitive environment....?
But with the first stirrings of Cold War II under way, the Russian move to host a conference on peace is clearly an escalation of both Moscow’s involvement in the Middle East and its attempts to strike back at the United States. It is important to note that during the original Cold War, the Soviet Union was very heavily involved in the Middle East. Russia’s predecessor lent economic and military backing to countries and organizations like Egypt, Syria, Iraq, South Yemen and the Palestine Liberation Organization.
It is unlikely that Russia will - or can even try to - mimic the behavior of the Soviet Union. However, the Arabs (Syrians, Palestinians and Hamas) welcome any resemblance of increased Russian interest in their affairs, which would explain why Abbas said he was prepared to attend the proposed conference. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem stated that Damascus could not miss a Russian-proposed follow-up conference to the 2007 Annapolis summit because the Golan Heights issue would again be discussed. Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, whose group is unlikely to be attending the conference because of its international status as a terrorist non-state actor, gave Lavrov a proposal to scale back the conflict in the Gaza Strip when the two met March 20 in the Syrian capital.
Up until now, Russia’s involvement in the Arab-Israeli theater has been extremely limited in that Moscow has occasionally inserted itself tactically in its efforts to counter U.S. moves in the former Soviet Union. But now, in light of U.S. support for Kosovo following its secession from Serbia, the Russians have to demonstrate that they can seriously muck up the U.S. calculus in the Middle East. This means Russia will have to display some resemblance of a sustained commitment to the Middle East (even if it is nothing radical such as supplying weapons to Syria and/or Iran).
In fact, staying the course in the Middle East will become a Russian necessity simply because Moscow’s multiple confrontations with the PNAC in Eurasia will be prolonged. This raises the question of whether Russia has the bandwidth to maintain long-term involvement in the Middle East. If the answer is no, then the conference will come and go and business will go on as usual. If, however, the answer is even remotely yes, then there are significant implications....to sustain a natural engagement in the Middle East in a coordinated strategy to confront the growing mischief of the PNAC on a Global scale. . . and that Russia has every right to be doing...